December 26, 2024

Remembering Dad on the centennial of his birth

Tom Lawrence #TomLawrence

Vernon Arne Lawrence came from the South Dakota soil, born in the bedroom he later spent years in as a man.

That was a century ago, when my dad was born on his parents’ farm outside Estelline. It was Friday, July 16, 1920. It just struck me a few days ago that Dad would have celebrated his 100th birthday this week.

Happy birthday, Dad. Sorry, no card.

He didn’t make it to the big day, but not for lack of trying. He was 92 when he died in Brookings on Feb. 16, 2013. Dad lived as long as his maternal grandfather, Thomas Guttorm Hatlestad, who also was 92 when he died in 1936.

He outlived his dad, Lewis Lawrence, who was 86 when he died in 1971. Grandpa Lawrence was born in 1884, but lived long enough that most of his grandchildren knew him well.

It seems a bit odd to note these dates, as we race forth in the 21st century. I well recall people born in the 19th century, a sign of my own advancing years.

Dad was a farmer most of his life. He was literally born into it and had a love for hard work and long hours in the field, in the barn, with animals and machinery.

I recall seeing him with dirt and sweat on his face, grease and blood on his hands, his bib overalls worn and tore. I also recall a smile was almost always on his face, ready to laugh or tease.

Family was the most important thing to Mom and Dad. They were devoted to their seven kids and all their relatives, and taught us the importance of family, the value of love and the need to set the right priorities. I know I have fallen well short of the standard they set.

He also had a love of history and reading and passed that along to his kids. We were drilled on presidents and state capitols and elections as much as on grain prices and milk production.

He followed politics closely. Raised a Republican, he moved to the Democratic Party in the 1960s and ‘70s — he never trusted Nixon. He admired George McGovern and Tom Daschle for sticking up for farmers and the little guy, and got a kick out of Bill Janklow.

I would have to guess who he voted for — he always insisted the ballot was secret and sacred.

Newspapers were a constant source of information and entertainment in our home. We read the Watertown Public Opinion, the Estelline Journal, the Brookings Register, Clear Lake Courier and Minneapolis Star-Tribune.

Dad was proud I wandered into journalism as a career and was an avid reader of my stuff and a steady source of information and tips. Many agriculture stories carried my byline but came from his experience and thoughts.

He also loved sports. Dad played basketball for Estelline High School and was a co-captain as a senior. He played baseball and “kittenball” — as softball was known then — for years.

Dad was a powerful hitter, hammering out long balls on a consistent basis, according to people who played with him. He played his last games as a fill-in for my brother’s softball team, The Red Carpet, against Oakwood in a game at Bruce in the summer of 1977. Wearing bib overalls and farmer shoes, he played RF, got a couple hits — and got picked off second base when he took too big a lead!

He watched his kids play and was proud when we got hits or made good plays. But he also knew not to brag too much — if I went 4-5 in a softball game, he always asked why I didn’t get that fifth hit.

Dad enjoyed baseball and softball his whole life, playing, coaching, umpiring and as a fan. He liked power hitters and fastball pitchers, but always had a soft spot for good defensive players, too.

On the day he was born, Babe Ruth set a new record, becoming the first player to hit 30 homers in a season. Dad grew up listening to Babe on the radio, and followed the game every season.

He took me to my first big league game in 1976 and we went to several others. We also watched many together, in person or over the phone.

I just wish we could watch one more game together.  That would make it a perfect birthday for both of us.

South Dakota native Tom Lawrence, a former Pioneer executive editor, has written about the state, its politics and people since 1978. Read his blog Prairie Perspective at and follow him on Twitter at @TLCF26.

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