September 20, 2024

Queen begins final journey from Scotland to London, giving the public a first sight of her coffin

Queen #Queen

EDINBURGH, Scotland — For three days, many in Britain have mourned, reflected on and adjusted to the absence of Queen Elizabeth II. On Sunday, their shared grief gained physical form as the world got a first glimpse of her oak coffin.

The monarch of seven decades undertook her final journey from Balmoral, the Scottish castle where she died, to Holyroodhouse, her official palace in Edinburgh. The funeral procession will continue on Tuesday to Buckingham Palace in London and eventually arrive at Westminster Abbey, where her state funeral will take place on Sept. 19.

It’s a winding, circuitous route worthy of any of her royal tours.

The coffin left Balmoral Castle Sunday morning, draped in the royal standard and adorned with a wreath of flowers. Along the way in Scotland, crowds lined highways and filled overpasses and cars stopped along the sides of the road as the queen’s funeral procession drove past.

The coffin containing the body of Britain's Queen Elizabeth II left Balmoral Castle in Scotland on Sunday, beginning its winding journey to Edinburgh. The coffin containing the body of Britain’s Queen Elizabeth II left Balmoral Castle in Scotland on Sunday, beginning its winding journey to Edinburgh. Alastair Grant / AP

Balmoral was one of the queen’s favorite residences, its 50,000 acres 500 miles from London allowing for long walks and other outdoor activities with her iconic corgis.

At around 10 a.m. (5 a.m. ET), six of Balmoral’s gamekeepers carried the coffin into a waiting hearse. The public got its first visual confirmation of the queen’s death as the coffin traveled through the green countryside accompanied by several black vehicles.

For millions globally, seeing her coffin will underscore a reality that until now may not have sunk in.

“I don’t think any of us know how we’re going to react when we see the coffin driving past for the first time,” said Russell Collie, 52, who was paying his respects at Holyroodhouse beside mountains of floral tributes, where sunlight streamed softly through the gates. “It’s going to be an incredibly emotional moment.”

Russell Collie, 52, visited Holyroodhouse, the queen's official palace in Edinburgh, on Sunday to pay tribute to the late monarch. Russell Collie, 52, visited Holyroodhouse, the queen’s official palace in Edinburgh, on Sunday to pay tribute to the late monarch.Alex Smith / NBC News

Many of the messages left outside of Holyroodhouse hailed from around the world. A Portuguese flag bore a message commending the queen and another note said “Canada loves you forever.”

Alec Peck, 50, runs the Dr. Who’s coffee kiosk on the royal mile and said the crowds made the area even busier than during the Edinburgh Festival Fringe, the annual summer theater and arts event that takes over the city every August.

“The mood is one of sadness, but also of community and shared grief,” Peck said. “Whether they are die hard monarchists or not, everyone here realizes it’s a moment of history.”

Fiona Herries, 36, and Alex Herries, 38, were laying flowers with their two daughters, who are 6 years old and 5 months old.

“We just thought it was important for the next generation to be part of this so they understand what the significance of this moment in history,” Fiona Herries said.

Castle guards gave the late queen her last royal salute on Sunday morning before the hearse embarked on a 176-mile, approximately six-hour long trip to Edinburgh, the Scottish capital. The procession traveled via Aberdeen and Dundee, allowing the public there to pay their respects.

Parts of Edinburgh were subsumed on Sunday in preparation for its central role in this once-in-a-lifetime event. Roads in the city’s Old Town were closed, staffed by officials in high-visibility jackets. And the public have for days been laying flowers at the sites that the coffin will visit.

More ceremony awaits the coffin when it arrives at Holyroodhouse, the monarch’s official Scottish residence, where it will be met by members of the royal family in the throne room.

Around midday on Sunday outside of St. Giles’ Cathedral in Edinburgh, King Charles III was officially proclaimed king in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. After a hushed moment following the fanfare and proclamation, crowds along the cobblestone street shouted “God save the king!” and sang the national anthem.

Andrew Lonie, 79, a retiree from Edinburgh was among the crowds.

“I wanted to come and see it in person — I’ve never heard one before,” said Lonie, who was 9 when the last new monarch took the throne. “It’s a piece of history and I’m just so glad I’m able to see it.”

Large crowds of mourners gathered in Scotland, where many of those who wish to break away from the U.K. also want to ditch the royals. Those views were expressed by small portion of those gathered Sunday, too, with anti-monarchist protesters turning their backs and shouting in support of a republic as the proclamation was read.

On Monday, Charles and his wife, Camilla, Queen Consort, will fly to Edinburgh for what will likely be a somber yet awe-inspiring procession up the city’s historic, cobbled Royal Mile. On Sunday, the main thoroughfare was cordoned off and flanked by security in anticipation of the ceremony.

Flanking the coffin will be the Royal Company of Archers, a unit of bowmen who serve as the monarch’s ceremonial bodyguard in Scotland. Their striking dark green uniforms are accented with a crimson stripe and a large eagle’s feather in their hats.

Charles, Prince William and Prince Harry will follow on foot, with other frontline royals following in cars. A 21-gun salute will fire from Edinburgh Castle, which is perched on an outcrop of volcanic rock overlooking the city at the end of this thoroughfare.

As Harry and William’s joint appearance at Windsor on Saturday displayed, the queen’s death is at least temporarily leading some to put aside their differences in deference to the late monarch.

Mourners can see the coffin as it lies in state for 24 hours in St. Giles’ Cathedral, before it is moved to London and the additional calendar events ahead of the state funeral on Sept. 19.

“We are going to try to get onto the Royal Mile and into the cathedral if we can, but the crowds will be humongous,” said Andrew Golds, 51, who works in technology and is on vacation from Derby, England, with his partner, Elaine Coyle, also 51.

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