March 10, 2025

POTY achievement in Super Tennis Blast


Reaching STB rank 1 in your first year is really easy and you can even skip many events at the end. Change the game to easy, always pick the highest available STB matches, rest if you see the injure risk warning and do your best to particapte in all events that nets you 1000 STB points. Grand Blast events even gives you 2000 points for winning. So try to win to UK and US grand blast events, because you have to win all 4 anyway for another achievement. Compare the scores and skip STB events if you have a good lead. I would also win the very last final event.

Please note the scores of your enemys also rise and fall. At the beginning of my career the top spot had around 10k points, but late game the points where reduced to only 6k.

I used the cn_A button all along to beat all opponents. Of course i also used the training option with double bonus. The easiest one is the one for speed, so invest your skill points in other skills (my suggestion).

That’s all i have to add. Have fun! and feel free to ask any question if you need help. toast

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