September 22, 2024

Politics latest: ‘Period of reflection’ led to Ian Blackford’s exit plan; ‘We are not arsonists’ – minister defends her Brexit bill

Ian Blackford #IanBlackford

As we have just reported, former SNP Westminster leader, Ian Blackford, has announced he is going to stand down as an MP at the next election. 

Here is his statement in full: 

“With the SNP selection process for the next Westminster election taking place over the coming weeks, I have thought long and hard about whether to offer myself as a candidate again.

“It has been an enormous privilege to serve as the MP for Ross, Skye and Lochaber since 2015. I am grateful to the SNP membership for selecting me – and I remain privileged and humbled that people across my home constituency have put their trust in me at three elections.

“Serving as the local MP for this vast and cherished Highland and Island area has always been my priority. I was also honoured to lead the SNP Westminster group for more than five years between 2017 and 2022. 

“There were many highlights during that period, including leading the group into the 2019 election and increasing our representation from 35 to 48 seats.

“That campaign was fought on the twin issues of defending Scotland’s right to choose our own future and standing against the impending threat of Brexit. Those issues remain more relevant than ever, as families across Scotland suffer the impact of Brexit and damaging Westminster policies on the cost of living and our economy.

“During my time as Westminster leader I was grateful for the support, not just from colleagues in Westminster, but our friends in the Scottish government as we came together as team SNP to oppose Brexit, support the first minister and her team in getting through COVID, as well as standing up for our communities as we continue to battle through the cost of living crisis.

“Having stood down as SNP Westminster leader, I have gone through a period of reflection as to how I can best assist the party and the cause of  independence – a cause I have campaigned for since joining the SNP as a teenager in the 1970s.

“Over the last few months, with others, I have been working on producing a paper on mapping Scotland’s Industrial Future. This report will be available over the coming weeks and I am determined that our work can and should lead to a policy response that will see Scotland’s potential being realised through a sustainable enhancement in economic growth, driving investment and better paid jobs in Scotland, raising living standards and, as a result, delivering the wellbeing economy that our new first minister has prioritised. 

“I look forward to finishing this work and continuing as the first minister’s business ambassador, on behalf of the SNP.

“I would like to thank all of those who have supported me in my role as an MP. In particular, the staff in my leader’s role and my constituency staff have done an outstanding job and it has been a pleasure to work with each and every one of them. 

“Any success we have had has been down to them, we truly have been a team. I have welcomed their wise counsel, support and friendship.

“My last word of thanks must go to my wife Ann, who has had to contend with my long absences on parliamentary activities. She has been my strength and support for all of this time, and I will remain eternally grateful to her. Our wider family have always been supportive and for this I am thankful.

“My desire to see Scotland become an independent country, and for our country and its people to achieve its full potential, remains as strong as when I first entered politics decades ago. 

“Although I will not be standing for the Westminster parliament at the next election, I look forward to playing my part in the continuing campaign for Scottish Independence and supporting our first minister and the SNP as we go forward to the next election and beyond.

“Finally, to the voters of Ross, Skye and Lochaber, I once again thank each and every one of you for the opportunity to represent your interests and serve this most special of places – the place I am fortunate to call my home.”

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