March 7, 2025

Pokimane could be the next streamer to fall victim to ‘Cancel Culture’

Pokimane #Pokimane

Imane ‘Pokimane’ Anys has amassed millions of subscribers over the course of her professional streaming career.

Her growth trajectory in the online world has been massive, with her content skyrocketing her into a world of fame, replete with followers.

Pokimane recently crossed 5 million followers on Twitch (Image Credits: Ginx Esports TV)

Despite all the fame backing her, Pokimane has been treading on thin ice of late as her popularity curve seems to be heading towards a steep decline.

Pokimane recently landed herself in hot water, with a large section of the online community calling her out for her hypocritical views, her inability to accept constructive criticism and her overall demeanour in general.

This leads us to the question: could Pokimane be the next streamer to fall victim to Cancel Culture?

Also read: Pokimane and simps: Why the Twitch streamer has been under fire recently

What is Cancel Culture?

Cancel Culture generally refers to the practice of withdrawing support for (or cancelling) public figures or companies after they may have done or said something considered objectionable or offensive.

Cancel Culture thrives in the realm of social media, where such figures are often called out for toxic and hypocritical behaviour or even boycotted completely.

Pokimane seems to have invoked the ire of the community of late as she finds herself on the wrong side of the spectrum.

Pokimane’s tweets on Cancel Culture and Gender Bias

Pokimane has been the subject of multiple trolls in the past: be it her no-makeup selfies, her lack of genuine content or her fans who are constantly labelled ‘simps’.

She recently addressed the cancel-culture phenomenon and stressed on the need to be kind in a community that is witnessing a spurt in toxicity.

She also took to Twitter to present her views on the apparent bias inflicted upon female streamers as compared to their male counterparts.

Popular streamer Keemstar addressed the issue in the following tweet:

Pokimane’s tweet did not go unnoticed and it quickly incited strong reactions from the online community:

People were even more irked when an offensive five-year-old tweet of hers resurfaced, leading many to label her a hypocrite.

Here is the aforementioned tweet:

You can read more about instances which point towards her being a hypocrite here

Support for Pokimane

While a large section of the gaming community has resorted to the harsh criticism of Pokimane, there still remains a faithful section of fans who continue to present their own points in favour of the streamer.

Some of these tweets are as follows:

What next for Pokimane?

In light of the mounting online hate, Pokimane recently turned her personal Twitter account private. She continues to tweet regularly and appears to be focussing on emerging out of the mire. Having said that, it is imperative that social media influencers and streamers, like Pokimane, learn to take constructive criticism in their stride.

While there may be several individuals who are voicing their dissent against Pokimane, she continues to be backed by an army of fans, who consistently spur and motivate her to remain unfazed until the storm settles down.

A popular name who recently lent his support to her was popular DJ Zedd:

As the cancel-culture debate rages on, it remains to be seen if Pokimane eventually falls prey to a community scorned or manages to hold her own and emerge relatively unscathed in the long run.

Also Read: Pokimane turns her personal Twitter account private amid mounting online hate

You can take a look at the video below which addresses Pokimane’s recent controversial tweets:

Published 26 Jul 2020, 17:21 IST

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