December 28, 2024

Peace Bridge Projects

Innus #Innus

In order to assist in the decision-making process to replace the 75 year old existing structure, CCR worked closely with the Peace Bridge Authority to provide citizens and officials with a variety of high-quality systems to view the proposed bridges, inspection plazas, and surrounding urban area.

Under Professor Robert Shibley’s direction, CCR’s Urban Simulation and Visualization Team, consisting of Martins Innus, Adam Koniak, and Adrian Levesque, developed detailed 3D computer models of several proposed gateway’s for visitors entering the U.S. from Fort Erie, Canada. These models, which run on a PC, can be navigated in real-time to allow designers, decision makers, and the public to view the proposed gateways from any vantage point within the model. Design options can easily be toggled in and out so that users can readily visualize and contrast the impact of various designs. Animations are also readily created using this technology and can be widely distributed via the internet.

During the design process, CCR was host to city and county planners, representatives from the NYS DOT and the Peace Bridge Authority, and elected county and city officials, including Mayor Masiello.

This work was carried out in collaboration with WNY companies, Bergmann Associates and Wendel Duchscherer Architects & Engineers.

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