October 6, 2024

Paula White Leads Impassioned Prayer in Bid to Secure Donald Trump’s Re-election: ‘I Hear Victory’

Paula White #PaulaWhite

Paula White has delivered an impassioned prayer in a bid to secure Donald Trump’s presidential reelection as Joe Biden pulls ahead in the race to the White House.

White, who is Trump’s spiritual adviser, took aim at the “demonic confederacies that are attempting to steal the election from Trump,” during the energetic prayer that was streamed live at 7p.m. ET.

Clips of the event have been circulating widely across social media as the U.S. waits to hear decisive news from key states that are still counting the vote.

It comes as Biden appears to have secured the all-important rust belt states, Wisconsin and Michigan, which have been critical battlegrounds during the election. He told the nation on Wednesday: “I am confident that we will emerge victorious.”

But Trump prematurely claimed victory on Tuesday night before claiming that the election has been “a major fraud on our nation”. He has since called for a recount in Wisconsin and filed lawsuits in Pennsylvania, Michigan and Georgia.

As the result hangs in the balance, White led the fervent prayer to try and secure Trump a victory, saying that “demonic covenants” have tried to “hijack the election” and “the plan of God.”

The popular televangelist is a controversial figure and exponent of prosperity theology – a religious belief where material prosperity is a sign of God’s grace.

Her appointment as Trump’s spiritual adviser faced intense backlash with many saying it contravened the separation of church and state.

On Wednesday, she pranced up and down the stage, closed her eyes and delivered the chant-like speech as audience members kneeled below in prayer.

She repeatedly chanted: “I hear victory, victory, victory, victory, victory, victory, victory, victory right now in the corners of heaven” adding that, “angles are being dispatched right now.”

White took aim at “demonic conspiracies”, “demonic agendas”, and “every demonic spirit”, claiming they have “hijacked the election” and “hijacked the will of God” as well as his choice for the White House.

After doing a reading from Isiah 47, White said: “We have spiritual intelligence, natural intelligence and saying to you that God’s decision has been made and the church must enforce some things in the realm of the Earth. We must take authority over every demonic spirit.”

She continued: “Every demonic wickedness from this feminite spirit that has come and breathed life into demonic agendas in America right now, we break it and return it in the name of Jesus.

“And it will not be able to produce children. It will not be able to bring forth and bear fruit in the name of Jesus. We break it and declare that it has no power.

“The feminite spirit that would breathe life right now, to breathe wickedness on this nation, let it be brought to nothing right now. Let it be barren, let it go back, go back, go back into the depths of the water, go back into the depths of the sea, go back into the abyss right now in the name of Jesus.”

White also said: “We thank you god that you have given us victory,” and that the election is not a battle of politics but one of “good vs evil.”

She said: “Everything that is weighed in the balance right now, let it lean to righteousness right now, let wickedness not prevail.

“Let whatever demonic covenants they have made, let them be overturned right now in the name of Jesus, by the blood of Jesus.”

She said: “I secure righteousness in this earth. I secure righteousness in this election. I secure righteousness in the White House.”

In Focus

President Donald Trump’s re-election campaign has filed a lawsuit in Michigan claiming it was not granted “meaningful access” during the ballot counting process.

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“Let everyone who is working at high levels of demonic conspiracies, let it be exposed,” she continued. “Send out your lightning right now and scatter the enemy right now.

She repeatedly appeared to take aim at the current election results, saying: “We declare that we overcome every strategy of hell that has been aligned against this election, that has been aligned against your will, that has been aligned against the church.”

She added: “No weapon formed against us will be able to prosper,” and “Every arrow that has been shot against the president against your plan right now, we cause it to ricochet and go back to cinder right now.”

Other comments directed at Trump adversaries, included: “We ask that every trap they have set that they will fall upon their own noose, they will fall onto their own trap.”

She also said: “We realise a whirlwind to scatter those who conspire against this election, the outcome of this election, that who you have chosen to be in the White House. We ask that the whirlwind will be released in the north, the south the east the west, against him right now.

“We break and divide every demonic confederacy against the election, against America, against that who you have declared to be in the White House.”

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