Orwell authorizes manager to finalize grant with OPWC
Orwell #Orwell
ORWELL — Council authorized Village Manager Tami Pentek to enter into an agreement with the Ohio Public Works Commission for a $124,000 grant to renovate Orwell’s downtown water system and remove the water tower.
The project will include the creation of valves that will control the water flow in the area that was previously completed by the water tower.
“We aren’t taking the tower down until all those valves are ready to use,” Pentek said.
Village officials have discussed how to bring down the tower and keep the water flowing for several years.
In other business:
• Council approved a .5-mill fire replacement levy to be placed on the November ballot.
• Council voted to advertise for a village engineer of record to assist in preparing projects.
“We are probably way overdue on this,” said council member David Hartz.
Several council members agreed and were excited about the opportunity to have an engineer be involved from the start of a project to better review costs.
• Council members also discussed how they might be able to use some of the Appalachia Recovery Plan Act funds to spruce up downtown buildings and review traffic patterns, in addition to getting a new traffic light.
• Council approved a bid plan for paving on Sunset Drive.
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