September 20, 2024

Optical illusion reveals tonnes about your personality – so do YOU come across as cold & unfriendly


HAVE you ever wondered how you come across to other people?

A mind-bending optical illusion shows two different images which can reveal tonnes about your personality – but it all depends on what you see first.

Optical illusion reveals tonnes about personality depending on what you see first


Optical illusion reveals tonnes about personality depending on what you see firstCredit: TikTok/@mia_yilin

The two options, which were shared to TikTok by Mia Yilin, are a tree or a lion’s head.

And according to the narrator, if you saw the tree first, you prefer relaxing at home over going out and socialising.

“If it weren’t for the fact you don’t want to be impolite by backing out of plans, your ideal evening would be spent tucked away in bed with a book and a nice TV show,” she explains.

“Whenever you’re happy, the good feeling never lasts long.

“But whenever you’re sad, you feel as if you’ll never crawl out of your depressive state.”

Alternatively, if it was the lion you saw first, then you feel awkward when meeting new people and hate small talk.

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“You usually give the first impression that you’re cold and unfriendly but after getting to know someone better, you’re warm and natural side comes out,” Mia explains.

“Also, the thing you desire the most at this present moment is likely to come true so just keep on doing what you’re doing.”

The video has since gone viral, racking up a whopping 82,000 views and several comments from social media users.

“Yaaaa I see lion and it’s true,” wrote one.

A second penned: “Lion and that is definitely me.”

A third noted: “So true about me.”

Meanwhile, a fourth added: “Hehehhe, I saw the lion and everything she said is true.”

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