October 6, 2024

North Korea revives propaganda mocking its enemies

Enemies #Enemies

North Korea has resumed a distinctive feature of its propaganda — gory images of vanquished United States soldiers — four years after removing them from public display as a goodwill gesture intended to further nuclear disarmament talks.

In a sign of the collapse of diplomatic engagement between Pyongyang and Washington, shops catering to tourists in the capital are once again selling postcards depicting North Korean soldiers defeating the enemy.

The images, obtained by the NK News website, include one of a blond US soldier being stabbed by a bayonet above the slogan: “Let’s exact a thousandfold revenge against the US Imperialist wolves!”

“The myth of the US imperialists has been broken!” reads this postcard

Another depicts US, South Korean and Japanese soldiers being bayoneted through the groin with the words: “No forgiveness, not even in the slightest!”

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