October 6, 2024

Nicola Sturgeon’s resignation: the end of an era for Scotland

Nicola Sturgeon #NicolaSturgeon

Nicola Sturgeon has announced her resignation after more than eight years as first minister of Scotland and leader of the Scottish National party.

“Essentially, I’ve been trying to answer two questions: is carrying on right for me? And more importantly, is me carrying on right for the country, for my party and for the independence cause I have devoted my life to?” Sturgeon said at a press conference at Bute House in Edinburgh.

Severin Carrell, the Guardian’s Scotland editor, tells Hannah Moore why he believes Sturgeon chose this moment to step down. At the press conference, Sturgeon said her party was “awash with talented individuals”. Carrell discusses who is likely to succeed her, and what her departure means for the SNP and the Scottish independence movement.

Photograph: Getty Images

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