July 3, 2024

Newt Gingrich: Trump fights to deny elites the goal of turning Americans into dominated ‘sheep’

Newt #Newt

Newt Gingrich says President Trump and all Americans face an existential crisis on par with the nation’s darkest days seen by George Washington or Abraham Lincoln.

The former U.S. House speaker told Fox News’ Sean Hannity Thursday evening that election turmoil and claims of widespread fraud have left him more upset than he’s ever been in 62 years of political life.

“This is not about Donald Trump,” he said. “This is about the American people. Do the American people have the right in an honest election, with honest legitimate ballots, to pick their leader, or are we just sheep dominated by the high-tech businesses, the news media, and the various political machines? And are we supposed to surrender? So, I think this is a crisis in the American system comparable to Washington on Christmas Eve or comparable to Lincoln at Gettysburg. This is a genuine, deep crisis of our survival.”

Mr. Gingrich said that corrupt officials with “absolute contempt for the American people” hope that concocted chaos is so great that citizens would rather accept a Joe Biden administration than a protracted legal fight for the truth.

“My hope is, President Trump will lead the millions of Americans who understand exactly what is going on,” Mr. Gingrich said. “The Philadelphia machine is corrupt. The Atlanta machine is corrupt. The machine in Detroit is corrupt and they are trying to steal the presidency. And we should not allow them to do that.”

Mr. Trump has vowed to exhaust all legal options in an attempt to confirm a final tally of all legal ballots in states like Pennsylvania, Georgia, and Michigan. His once-commanding leads in all three states nose-dived early Wednesday morning as batches of mail-in ballots were tallied.

“Any precinct that we were not able to observe [in accordance with the law], strip those votes out,” Mr. Gingrich said. “Do not count them because they are by definition corrupt.”

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