July 3, 2024

Newt Gingrich freaks out at ‘destructive’ pro-Trump lawyers who told GOP voters to boycott Senate runoffs

Newt #Newt

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich on Thursday angrily denounced Trump-loving attorneys Sidney Powell and Lin Wood for telling Georgia conservatives to boycott the upcoming Senate runoff elections.

Both Powell and Wood on Wednesday told attendees at a pro-Trump rally that Trump voters should not bother to turn out for the upcoming election unless the Georgia Republican Party overturned the purportedly “rigged” election and awarded the states electoral college votes to the president.

Gingrich, however, ripped the two attorneys for potentially jeopardizing the GOP’s chances of holding onto the Senate.

“Lin Wood and Sidney Powell are totally destructive,” Gingrich wrote on Twitter. “Every Georgia conservative who cares about America MUST vote in the runoff. Their dont vote strategy will cripple America.”

However, some Trump supporters angrily replied to Gingrich and told him that they absolutely would boycott the runoffs.

“They don’t want the citizens of Georgia to vote on Dominion machines,” wrote one of Gingrich’s followers. “They told those citizens to demand a fair election… as we should all demand fair elections. You are taking this out of context.”

“I’m a GA voter… You have no clue how I feel…. fix the machines and reveal the fraud if you want my vote!!!” wrote another.

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