September 20, 2024

Newsom’s crybully routine is an admission of his failures

Newsom #Newsom

Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) correctly noted in his 90-minute rout of Gov. Gavin Newsom (D-CA) that Newsom is a liberal bully. The more accurate term would be “crybully,” and Newsom is the biggest crybully in the country.

Newsom’s attempt at shaming DeSantis that backfired was about DeSantis threatening to fine the Special Olympics. Newsom’s “how dare you” routine was designed to make DeSantis look like the bad guy, but he got everything backward. As DeSantis noted, he was threatening to fine the organization of the Special Olympics because it was going to ban athletes who did not receive a COVID-19 vaccine. It was DeSantis standing on the side of special Olympians and Newsom standing on the side of the bureaucrats who wanted to ban athletes from competing.


When DeSantis called him out on it, Newsom devolved once again to a “how dare you” tone to describe how he worked with special needs children, which is apparently supposed to justify his supporting discrimination against those athletes. But that is not the only time Newsom resorted to whining to distract from his own authoritarianism and failures.

When DeSantis noted that liberal District Attorney George Gascon was running Los Angeles into the ground with his pro-criminal policies, Newsom was aghast. “Don’t insult one of the great American cities,” he demanded, ignoring that Gascon’s policies are getting people killed in that “great American city.” When DeSantis talked about parents’ rights, Newsom declared, “I don’t like how you demean people.”


When DeSantis talked about school closures, which Newsom kept in place in California due to COVID longer than any other state, did Newsom admit his failures or address the matter at all? Did he apologize for using state power to set children back years mentally and emotionally? No, he whined that DeSantis pronounced Vice President Kamala Harris’s name wrong. “Shame on you,” he said, “Madame Vice President to you, Kamala Harris, stop insulting her.”

Newsom had no answers all night. He couldn’t, because he was tasked with defending both his failing record in California and President Joe Biden’s failing record in the White House. He instead resorted to feigning outrage to try and salvage some moral high ground for the fact that his (and Biden’s) policies have made people’s lives worse. Newsom simultaneously wields the levers of government to ruin children’s educations or strip parents of their rights while crying out that DeSantis is oh-so mean. It’s all an act, and, like Newsom’s tenure as governor of California, it is a failure.

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