September 22, 2024

Mitch McConnell just adjourned the Senate until November 9, ending the prospect of additional coronavirus relief until after the election

Mitch #Mitch

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell on Monday motioned for the Senate to adjourn until November 9.

The move shuts down the Senate from doing any legislative business, including reaching a deal on additional  coronavirus aid, until after voters have cast their ballots, and comes on the heels of Monday’s 52-48 vote to confirm Amy Coney Barrett to the US Supreme Court. 

David Popp, a spokesperson for McConnell, told Business Insider there was “nothing to add to [McConnell’s] extensive remarks on the continued Democrat filibuster on COVID relief in the Senate.”

Schumer spokesperson Alex Nguyen referred Business Insider to a Saturday statement that accused Republicans of attempting to push forward with Barrett’s confirmation process so close to the election while sidelining coronavirus talks.

“Today, we’re going to give the Republican majority in the Senate the opportunity to consider critical legislation that has so far languished in Leader McConnell’s legislative graveyard,” Schumer said in the statement, adding: “We should be doing that, not rushing through this nomination while people are voting, and want their choice listened to, not the Republican Senate choice.”

The two parties have increasingly sparred as the election approaches, particularly over additional coronavirus stimulus and Barrett’s nomination.

On Friday, Democrats used a variety of procedural tactics in a last-ditch effort to stall Barrett’s confirmation, and the two parties have extensively rehashed talking points and arguments that have built up from decades of Supreme Court battles.

“You will never, never get your credibility back,” Schumer told Republicans in a speech on the Senate floor on Monday, warning the GOP that they have no right to tell Democrats how to run Congress next time Democrats are in power.

On coronavirus aid, the two parties have been unable to find enough common ground to reach a deal, with Republicans nixing larger proposals. McConnell effectively torpedoed a stimulus bill of $1.8 trillion to $2.2 trillion earlier this month that both the White House and Democrats had been negotiating.

Republicans had instead insisted that a “skinny” bill of $500 billion would be enough, but their proposal omitted aid to states as well as $1,200 direct payments to taxpayers, both key Democratic priorities, and the Democrats ultimately tanked the measure last week.

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