October 6, 2024

Migrants. Richard Gere: The value of human life and the inequality of tragedies

Richard Gere #RichardGere

Rome, 26 June 2023 – In recent years, the value of human life seems to depend more than ever on one’s origin and financial status. This is boldly stated by Richard Gere, the internationally renowned actor, during a masterclass at the Filming Italy Sardegna Festival, held in Santa Margherita di Pula (Ca).

Responding to students’ questions, Gere addresses the scorching controversies surrounding the deaths of migrants in the Mediterranean and the tragedy of the Titan submarine. He denounces the disparity in media attention and institutional response to these two dramatic events.

The actor emphasizes that while all human beings are fundamentally equal, the world exhibits a cynical discrepancy in how it treats these tragedies. The horrific event that claimed the lives of 400 people on a boat in Greece’s Mediterranean received minimal attention compared to the five people missing in the Titanic submarine.

Gere expresses his disgust at this situation, highlighting how countries immediately mobilized to rescue the five individuals in the submarine while largely ignoring the tragedy in Greece. According to the actor, this contrast reveals a deep-rooted cynicism in the way today’s world treats human lives.

Richard Gere’s civic and political commitment is evident in his words. As a long-time practicing Buddhist, the actor dedicates himself to causes related to human rights and important societal issues. During the masterclass, Gere imparts his courage to the students, stating that being an actor requires bravery.

Finally, the actor offers valuable advice to those aspiring to pursue an acting career: follow what brings them happiness and freedom, listen to their instincts, and embrace challenges that come their way.

Richard Gere’s words draw attention to the inequalities and injustices that persist in society. They underscore the need for collective responsibility to end such disparities and ensure that the value of every human life is recognized and respected regardless of origin or economic status.

In an increasingly interconnected world, it is crucial that we strive to overcome differences and work together to create a future where each person is equally valued. Richard Gere invites us to reflect on these critical issues and find the courage to act for a more just and humane world.

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