September 21, 2024


Mansoor #Mansoor

By Richard Trionfo on 2021-07-26 19:59:00

We begin with a look back at what happened last week with the Raw Women’s Championship.

We are in Kansas City, Missouri and your announcers are Corey Graves, Byron Saxton, and JImmy Smith.

Raw Women’s Champion Nikki A.S.H. makes her way to the ring.

Nikki says she always wanted to say this and she welcomes everyone to Raw.  She says she is so happy that we are all back together and that she is standing here as the Women’s Champion.  She says this feels like a dream and she says she keeps pinching herself but this dream is real.  In the past when she reached for the stars she didn’t have the confidence that she needed.  She says she was so afraid to fail.  Nikki says one day she realized that if she fails, she fails, it is not a big deal.  When I put on this outfit, it gives her the confidence and reminds her and she wants to remind all of you, no matter what, if you believe in yourself, you can conquer the odds.  She says we can all be almost a super hero.

Charlotte Flair interrupts and she makes her way to the ring.

Charlotte takes a mic and she says that is nice.  That is a nice fairy tale you are telling but your fairy tale doesn’t have a happy ending.  You as Raw Champion is a disgrace.  You are supposed to represent this company?  You, dressed up like this?  I can see you on the Today show flying around doing an interview with Al Roker but he would laugh in your face because he doesn’t believe you are a champion.  You have to work to be a champion.  I don’t believe that you are a champion.  I am here to add star power and perspective to this ring.

Before this almost idiot takes a victory lap, let’s take a look at what happened last week.  Rhea couldn’t handle the failure last week so she acted like a bratty teenager who had her phone taken from her.  That is the only reason you could have cashed in.  It is beneath me to complain.  I wasn’t on my feet when the referee started the match.  I didn’t have a chance.  You stole my title.  Charlotte says she will continue to be the opportunity andyou will continue to play dress up.  I will get my rematch at SummerSlam and you will bow down to the real champion.

Charlotte says all this injustice isn’t your fault.  It is all of your fault.  For months and months you have cheered after I was the victim of injustice after injustice.  You are all jealous of me.  You see people at work, at home, and at school who are more successful than you and you can’t handle it.  

Rhea Ripley comes out to interrupt Charlotte.

Rhea says we are so jealous of you Charlotte.  It is hard to be jealous of someone who held the title for a whole day.  You are an eleven time champion but the only way you can lose a title is by pinfall or submission.  You got intentionally disqualified because you knew I would walk out with the title.  It should be me who gets the rematch to beat Nikki at SummerSlam.

Nikki wants to know who said anything about either of you beating me at SummerSlam.  Each of you represented this division wonderfully when you were champion.  Like my butterfly represents me, this division will face a metamorphosis as your Women’s Champion.

Charlotte says she is tired of the super hero crap.  I am going to be the champion at SummerSlam.

Rhea says the title will be hers.

Sonya Deville and Adam Pearce come out and Adam says he wants to look at the situation before it gets out of control.  Sonya says the only fair thing to do is officially make a Triple Threat Match for the Raw Women’s Championship at SummerSlam.

Charlotte says this is ridiculous.

Sonya says this will give Charlotte and Rhea the chance to become champion.

Charlotte calls Nikki a fluke and says that Rhea doesn’t deserve it.  She wants a match against Nikki to prove that Nikki isn’t in her league.

Nikki says Charlotte is on.

Adam says the match is official.

Charlotte attacks Rhea and sends Rhea to the floor.  Charlotte misses a clothesline to NIkki but Nikki drop kicks Charlotte to the floor.

Damian Priest says that Sheamus doesn’t deserve to be US Champion.  He says that a champion defends his title but Sheamus is a bully.  He tells Sheamus to grow a set and when they step into the ring, he will know who is the champion.

Match Number One:  Sheamus versus Damian Priest in a Non Title Match

They lock up and Priest backs Sheamus into the corner but Sheamus escapes.  They lock up again and Sheamus with a side head lock take down.  Sheamus with a shoulder tackle and Priest with a jumping shoulder tackle.  Priest with an arm drag into an arm bar.  Sheamus backs Priest into the ropes and connects with a knee and forearm.  Sheamus with forearms to the back.  Sheamus tries to send Priest into the turnbuckles but he blocks it.  Priest with punches to Sheamus.  Priest with a kick to the chest and he hits a jumping back elbow.  Priest clotheslines Sheamus over the top rope to the floor.  Priest kicks Sheamus off the apron and Priest teases a flip dive to the floor but Sheamus moves.

Sheamus catches Priest on a spinning kick attempt on the floor and then Sheamus drops Priest on the apron.  Sheawmus with punches from the apron.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Sheamus with a forearm and a double fish hook.  Priest power out of the hold but Sheamus with forearms.  Priest with a clothesline and both men are down.  Priest with forearms.  Priest hits Sheamus and the mask comes off.  Pries goes for an elbow in the corner but Sheamus gets his boots up top stop Priest.  Sheamus pulls himself up to the turnbuckles and Priest grabs Sheamus by the throat and he hits a sit out choke slam for a near fall.  Priest sets for Reckoning but Sheamus avoids it and he hits an Alabama slam for a near fall.  Sheamus sets for a Cloverleaf  but Priest blocks it and grabs the hand and kicks Sheamus in the collarbone.  Priest with kicks and a rolling elbow.  Sheamus with a jumping knee for a near fall.

Sheamus with forearms to Priest and then he sets for the forearms on the apron but Priest with elbows and a round kick to the head.  Priest with Reckoning for the three count.

Winner:  Damian Priest

After the match, Sheamus says that Priest rebroke his nose and he wants a doctor.

We go to commercial.

Match Number Two:  Ivar and Erik versus AJ Styles and Omos for the Raw Tag Team Championships

AJ and Erik start things off and Erik with a running double knee strike and Ivar tags in and hits a seated splash in the corner.  Erik tags in and Ivar with a forearm to Omos and then Erik and Ivar knock Omos off the aprons.  Erik with a suicide dive to Omos.  Ivar with a spinning heel kick and then Erik tags in and they hit the Viking Experience but Omos pulls Erik out of the ring.  Omos with a knee to Ivar when he goes after Omos on the floor.  Omos sends Ivar into Erik against the ringside barrier.

We are back and Omos suffocates Erik.  Omos sends him back to the mat.  AJ tags in and he snap mares Erik and applies a reverse chin lock.  Erik with punches but AJ with punches and kicks.  Erik with a punch and both men are down.  Ivar tags in and he hits a shoulder tackle followed by a side slam and cross body.  Ivar misses a splash in the corner but Ivar sends AJ to the apron.  AJ with a forearm and he goes for the Phenomenal Forearm but Ivar with a cartwheel to avoid AJ and Ivar with a clothesline.  AJ with a tornado DDT for a near fall.  Ivar grabs AJ’s leg and AJ misses an enzuigiri.  AJ falls into the Viking Raiders’ corner and Erik tags in.  Erik with a take down and then Erik with a running knee while Ivar holds Omos’ leg on the apron.

Omos kicks Ivar into the ringside barrier.  Erik with a waist lock take down but AJ lands on his feet and he hits a Pele Kick.  Omos tags in and he slams Erik.  Omos with an elbow in the corner and then Ivar runs into a boot.  Omos sends Ivar over the top rope to the floor.  Omos with a hip strike into the corner.  Omos with a vertical choke slam and AJ tags in.  AJ with a springboard 450 splash for the three count.

Winners:  AJ Styles and Omos (retain championship)

We take a look at what happened between Drew McIntyre, Jinder Mahal and the JinderMahalians at Money in the Bank.  We then see who Drew got return on a guy not named Jinder Mahal.

Drew McIntyre makes his way to the ring as we go to commercial.

Coverage Continues on Next Page.

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