September 20, 2024

Man accused of sword attack on Jon Romano pleads not guilty

Romano #Romano

ALBANY – The man accused of carrying out a sword-wielding attack that maimed 34-year-old Jon Romano in a Sheridan Avenue homeless shelter last week is expected to undergo a psychiatric evaluation that could determine his defense strategy going forward, his attorney said Thursday.

Randell Mason, 42, who police charged with the savage Aug. 29 slashing on Romano and who allegedly admitted he left the victim “chopped up” because Romano was “disrespecting me,” pleaded not guilty to a three-count indictment unsealed by acting Supreme Court Justice Roger McDonough.

Mason is charged with attempted first-degree murder, attempted second-degree murder and first-degree assault. The attempted first-degree murder charge carries a maximum sentence of 25 years to life in prison. The other two charges carry a maximum of 25 years behind bars.

“The defendant did, with intent to cause the death of Jon Romano, attempt to cause the death of Jon Romano and the defendant acted in an especially cruel and wanton, manner,” stated the indictment for the attempted first-degree count, calling it pursuant to actions intended to “inflict torture.”

Assistant Alternate Public Defender Francisco Calderon, who is representing Mason, said his client is expected to undergo a psychological evaluation in the near future. “Mr. Mason is scheduled to be evaluated by a doctor,” the attorney said. “Upon review of the findings, our office will determine the appropriate defense in this matter.”

Depending on the results of such an evaluation, the attorney could use a defense of not guilty by reason of mental disease or defect, known as the “insanity defense.” That would mean that he could not be responsible for his actions because he lacked the capacity to appreciate his actions.

On Thursday, Calderon reserved making an argument on his client’s bail status. When the judge asked Mason where he lived prior to his arrest, the defendant replied: “On the street.” Asked if he was employed, Mason told the judge he was waiting on seven weeks of back pay for unemployment.

Assistant District Attorney Stephen Lydon represented the prosecution.

The attack, which took place at 315 Sheridan Ave. about 1:42 p.m. last Monday, Aug. 29, left Romano with critical injuries to his arms, which were severed and needed to be reattached, as well as severe injuries to his legs and head.  He had to be intubated at Albany Medical Center Hospital.

The victim attracted notoriety in 2004 when at the age of 16 he fired a shotgun at students at Columbia High School in East Greenbush. A teacher was struck and injured as an assistant principal, John Sawchuk, tackled Romano and disarmed him. Romano, who served prison time for attempted murder and other charges, moved to Albany County following his release from prison in 2020.

Romano has become involved in work at the shelter, called the Community Connections Drop-In Center, and ran its clothing pantry. He has openly spoken about his mental health struggles. A parole panel that released Romano under a special program said Romano displayed a low chance of returning to prison and a “positive relationship” with his family.

The next court date for Mason was set for Oct. 14.

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