Maher on SCOTUS rulings: ‘If you’re keeping score at home, it’s guns: 1, women: Nothing’

HBO host Bill Maher quipped on Friday after the Supreme Court issued several major decisions this week that “if you’re keeping score at home, it’s guns: 1, women: nothing.”
The high court issued several key rulings this week, including the biggest one of its term on Friday when it eliminated the constitutional right to an abortion, overturning a 50-year precedent.
The Supreme Court also invalidated legislation passed in New York that had restricted the ability to be issued a permit to conceal carry in public, arguing that the law stopped “law-abiding citizens with ordinary self-defense needs from exercising their right to keep and bear arms.”
“Well, if you’re keeping score at home, it’s guns: 1, women: nothing because they also – it’s funny – on the very week, very day I think where the Congress finally passed I think the first gun control law in 30 years, well the Supreme Court said ‘Hold my beer,’” Maher quipped on “Real Time with Bill Maher.”
“‘Cause they struck down a New York law about carrying guns, you know, on your body when you leave the house, so everyone now can be strapped at all times in public. Wow, well, welcome to right-wing America, where if you want to end a young life, you have to shoot them,” he added.
Maher’s comments come as Congress this week passed a bipartisan gun safety bill in the wake of several recent high-profile shootings, a major feat given increasingly partisan gridlock between lawmakers, especially ahead of a midterm cycle.
President Biden signed that legislation into law on Saturday morning.
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