October 6, 2024

MAFS: Cameron reveals the vows he would have said if Lyndall hadn’t silenced him

Lyndall #Lyndall

MAFS star Cameron Woods has shared the parting vows he would have said if his wife Lyndall Grace hadn’t shut him down on Monday’s episode.

Lyndall, 27, brutally denied Cameron the opportunity to read his own vows after announcing she was ending their marriage, telling him: ‘No matter what you say today, it’s only going to disappoint me again.’

However, the outback carpenter, also 27, was able to finally share his break-up speech live on air on The Kyle and Jackie O Show on Tuesday.

Cameron’s speech began with him reminiscing about the blissful early days of their marriage.

‘From the moment I laid eyes on you there was an instant connection,’ he said.

MAFS star Cameron Woods (pictured) has shared the parting vows he would have said if his wife Lyndall Grace hadn’t shut him down on Monday’s episode 

‘You had the warmest of smiles on your face walking down the aisle and I quickly learnt that you love life just as much as I do. I felt that instant spark from day one, and was very intrigued to find out more,’ he added. 

He recalled bonding with Lyndall on their honeymoon in Fraser Island, and described how he soon realised his wife was quite the catch.

‘I loved that we had common interests. You are an incredible singer and your enthusiasm for life and the way you love those closest to you is something I really admire,’ he said.

‘The more I learn about you, the more I respect you. You are kind, empathetic and have a very genuine heart. You always bring a positive vibe to any room.’ 

Cameron praised Lyndall for teaching him the ‘importance of being vulnerable in love’, adding: ‘You made it comfortable to open up when that’s something I have always struggled to do.’ 

But his tone changed as he spoke about the dark side of their relationship. 

Cameron pointed out the logistical issues they would face as a couple, given that he is based in the Northern Territory and accountant Lyndall lives in Western Australia. 

Lyndall, 27, denied Cameron the opportunity to read his own vows after announcing she was ending their marriage, saying: ‘No matter what you say today, it’s only going to disappoint me’

He said communication and the way they handle conflict were major problems in their marriage, explaining: ‘You say I can’t sit down and talk through tough times, but you never asked the question because you were scared of the answer.’ 

Cameron then took a stab at Lyndall for ‘airing their dirty laundry’, telling her it ‘pushed his buttons’ when she spoke about their issues at the dinner parties, commitment ceremonies and homestays.

In a particularly brutal line, he declared: ‘Throughout this experiment you have needed more affection, reassurance and emotion from me.

‘I’ve taken the time to reflect on why I haven’t been able to give you this. I think these things flow naturally when you are falling in love… which I am not.’

The outback carpenter was able to finally share his break-up speech live on air on The Kyle and Jackie O Show on Tuesday. Cameron’s speech began with him reminiscing about the blissful early days of their marriage, before he brutally admitted he wasn’t in love with Lyndall

Cameron ended his speech on a positive note, thanking Lyndall for teaching him to be vulnerable and for helping him realise what he wants from a relationship.

According to on-set sources, Cam struggled to make it to the reunion after being silenced by Lyndall during their final vows.

He was allegedly so angry about how the situation was handled he went off the grid and fled to a remote location, meaning producers couldn’t contact him.

Cameron ended his speech on a positive note, however, thanking Lyndall for teaching him to be vulnerable and for helping him realise what he wants from a relationship 

Producers were left in the dark about Cam’s whereabouts and whether or not he would return for the reunion event, which airs next week.

Cam had reportedly expressed his desire to leave the experiment weeks before the final vows. 

Despite his misgivings, producers convinced him to stay and continue writing stay at the commitment ceremonies.

According to on-set sources, Cam struggled to make it to the reunion after being silenced by Lyndall during their final vows 

Producers allegedly ‘threatened Cam’s reputation’ if he did not commit to the storyline until the end. 

Ultimately, Cam felt deceived upon realising all of his efforts had ‘served to benefit the show’s predetermined ending at the expense of his own feelings’.

Lyndall ended things with Cam during their final vows on Monday, delivering a scathing speech to her husband before announcing she was done with him.

Lyndall ended things with Cam during their final vows on Monday, delivering a scathing speech to her husband before announcing she was done with him 

In an unprecedented turn of events, she then cut him off before he could deliver his own speech, declaring her life ‘does not include’ him or his feelings.

‘I came to this experiment with the simple goal of finding love,’ she began her vows.

‘For most of my life, being married, having a partner, and planning for the future were pipe dreams I guilted myself out of,’ she added, referring to her struggles with cystic fibrosis and how it affected her self-worth.

‘I thought that because I have cystic fibrosis, I could never be someone’s forever person.’

Her speech began on a positive note, but the tone quickly shifted as she recounted the negative aspects of their romance and accused Cam of withdrawing emotionally and being unable to handle confrontation 

Lyndall went on to describe their initial connection, reminiscing about their wedding day and how Cam had made her feel at ease.

But the tone shifted as she recounted the negative aspects of their romance and accused Cam of withdrawing emotionally and being unable to handle confrontation.

‘In our first few weeks together, you could barely sit through the smallest of criticisms and constantly walked out of hard conversations, leaving me to pick up the pieces,’ she said.

Throughout her speech, Lyndall highlighted her resilience and newfound lease on life, stating she refused to be held back by her condition – or by Cam.

Throughout her speech, Lyndall highlighted her resilience and newfound lease on life, stating she refused to be held back by her condition – or by Cam

She concluded: ‘I want to build a life I’m proud of, and that life does not include you.’

As Cam then reached for his speech notes, Lyndall interrupted: ‘Um, before you start yeah? Just on that, I just feel like no matter what you say today, it’s only going to disappoint me again.’

A shattered Cam responded by throwing his speech towards her on the floor and snapping: ‘You can have that then.’

As Cam reached for his speech notes, Lyndall sensationally cut him off before he could deliver his own vows, declaring her life ‘does not include’ him or his feelings

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