October 7, 2024

Macy Gray condemned for ‘transphobic’ tirade after saying trans women aren’t women

Macy Gray #MacyGray

Macy Gray is facing immense backlash on social media for making “transphobic” comments during an interview with Piers Morgan. (YouTube/Piers Morgan Uncensored)

Macy Gray has been accused of transphobia after an appearance on Piers Morgan Uncensored.

Host Piers Morgan asked the singer on Monday (4 July) for her definition of ‘woman’, and Gray replied that it was a “human being with boobs” and a “vagina” for a “start”.

Macy Gray said she believed that people sharing their pronouns, which she referred to as the “he/she/they”, is “getting confusing”. 

Morgan brought up the debate of trans people competing in sports – saying he “supports all trans [people’s] rights to fairness and equality” – but not the right of trans women to compete in women’s sports. Gray agreed with both points. 

“I totally agree,” Gray said. “And I will say this, and everyone’s gonna hate me but as a woman, just because you go change your [body] parts, doesn’t make you a woman, sorry.”

The singer said she knew this “for a fact”, but she said that she will respect trans women’s pronouns despite not believing they are women.

“Like if you want me to call you a ‘her’, I will cause that’s what you want, but that doesn’t make you a woman just ‘cause I call you a ‘her’ and just because you got a surgery,” Macy Gray said.

Gray said, in her view, “[cis] women go through completely unique experiences” that cannot be replicated by “surgery” or “finding yourself”.

She added that she doesn’t think she should be “called transphobic” for her trans-exclusionary views, arguing she was “just saying what it is”. 

However, many argued Gray’s words were in fact “transphobic”. 

Some likened Gray’s words to comments by Bette Midler, who claimed “women” are being “erased” by trans-inclusive language, on the same day. 

Midler roped in trans rights in a rant about the Supreme Court’s recent decision to overturn Roe v Wade on Twitter. The Hocus Pocus star claimed women are being “stripped” of their “rights” over their “bodies”, “lives” and even name. 

“They don’t call us ‘women’ anymore: they call us ‘birthing people’ or ‘menstruators’, and even ‘people with vaginas’!” Midler wrote. “Don’t let them erase you! Every human on earth owes you!”

Fans across the board were dismayed Midler would parrot anti-trans dog whistles, and more urged the actor to educate herself and reconsider her remarks. 

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