October 5, 2024

Louisiana Literature: Fortier takes readers on a world-wide romp in ‘Banana Split Misfit’

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“Banana Split Misfit — Unravel as You Travel” by Tyke Fortier; Destinee Media; 259 pages

Tyke Fortier’s roots furrow eight generations deep into New Orleans, but the first-time author takes readers on a romp through the Northern Hemisphere in her book “Banana Split Misfit — Unravel as You Travel.”

Fortier, who has roamed the world, calls her book a travel log/biography, full of humor, adventure, mystery and revelation. Now living on Ibiza, a small island in the Mediterranean Sea, she notes her book has “many references to my natal city of New Orleans.” 

In “Banana Split Misfit,” “swampy Louisiana gal” Marie France, who had planned a two-month jaunt through Europe, finds herself on the pulsating Hippie Trail in Kathmandu, says a news release about the book.

“As a seeker, she has a two-fold quest: discovering the world and discovering herself. She studies Tibetan Buddhism, Hinduism and Hedonism, with a bit of yoga. Her rollicking adventures cover 16 countries, including crossing the Sahara Desert, playing a lead role in a Spaghetti Western film and modeling on the catwalks of Paris.”

“She ends her journey where it began,” the release says, “on the Spanish Island of Ibiza, afloat in the Mediterranean. There she discovers the missing piece of her personal puzzle.”

All proceeds from the sale of the book, available on Amazon, will go to impoverished children via World Vision International, Fortier said.

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