January 24, 2025

Lisa Nandy moved to international development in shadow cabinet reshuffle

Lisa Nandy #LisaNandy

Many see the move as a demotion

Lisa Nandy

News of Keir Starmer’s reshuffle continues to trickle out. Following Angela Rayner being appointed shadow levelling up secretary earlier today, it has now been confirmed that Lisa Nandy will remain in the shadow cabinet.

Nandy was replaced by Rayner, and has since been moved over to take on the international development brief. This means she will be shadowing international development minister Andrew Mitchell.

Nandy’s appointment raises another question mark around a shadow cabinet member. She’s replacing Preet Gill as shadow cabinet minister for international development. It is not yet clear whether Gill will remain in the shadow cabinet.

Moving Nandy from levelling up to international development is widely being described as a demotion.

Chris Jarvis is head of strategy and development at Left Foot Forward

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