January 24, 2025

‘Like thunder’: Residents escape Auckland home after large slip

Auckland #Auckland

Large slips in suburban Auckland have threatened homes, and residents are escaping devastation while their properties collapse under rubble.

Properties in Northcote Point and Beach Haven have been hit by large pieces of displaced earth overnight, causing damage to multiple homes.

Just before 8pm on Friday Beach Haven resident Catherine Gibson’s home on Rangatira Rd was struck by a large area of earth falling from her neighbour’s property.

Gibson said her husband was out on the property checking for blocked drainages at the time.

A large slip has hit Beach Haven resident Catherine Gibson's Rangatira Rd home. Photo / Catherine Gibson

A large slip has hit Beach Haven resident Catherine Gibson’s Rangatira Rd home. Photo / Catherine Gibson

“It sounded like thunder. I was putting my 3-year-old to bed, and my 6-year-old was already in bed,” Gibson told the Herald.

“We heard that loud noise. My husband came running into the house and told us to get out.

“It was very frightening. Had my husband not gotten away, he would have been under it.

“The slip and our neighbour’s water tank had fallen down to our property.

“The ute and trailer, the garage are all damaged under the slip.”

Gibson said she and her husband did not have time to think.

“We packed our bags, and my kids were upset. The neighbours came out to check on us, and make sure we are okay.

“We stayed at one of the neighbours’ houses. My husband stayed at our house.

“The front end of our driveway is completely blocked by the slip.

“Looking at it right now, the neighbour whose property slipped, they have a shed which is half on land. I am just waiting for whether it will come down or not.”

Gibson said nothing was clear to her regarding where to seek assistance or who to contact.

“I am not clear what to do, who to go to. I am hoping there won’t be any more slides. Looks like the majority is gone. Now the shock’s not there, we just have to get on it.”

A large slip from her neighbour's house fell onto Catherine Gibson's front door, blocking access. Photo / Catherine Gibson

A large slip from her neighbour’s house fell onto Catherine Gibson’s front door, blocking access. Photo / Catherine Gibson

Gibson said last night was especially hard but she was happy that all people were safe.

“Life is important not stuff. My husband literally just got out in time, if he hadn’t he would have been affected. My neighbours are also fine, they came to check up on us. The slip is not right next to their house. The slip just came down the hill, where we are, a settling point.”

Hillcrest resident Caleb Bird was checking on his boat in Sulphur Beach when he noticed houses on Princes St, Northcote Point had large slips.

A large slip under a house on West End Rd, Westmere. Photo / Alex Robertson

A large slip under a house on West End Rd, Westmere. Photo / Alex Robertson

A slip on West End Rd in Westmere has caused traffic congestion and the road is down to one lane.

Another slip was reported on Judges Bay Rd in Parnell.

A state of emergency was declared for the region close to 10pm last night, hours after torrential rain and flooding hit the city. A body was found in the floodwaters, Mayor Wayne Brown confirmed in a press conference after 11pm.

A large slip affected houses on Judges Bay Rd, Parnell. Photo / George Block

A large slip affected houses on Judges Bay Rd, Parnell. Photo / George Block

The wild weather and heavy rain have caused widespread damage across the region, with flooding, evacuations and transport chaos. State Highway 1 north of Auckland is closed, and officials opened the new Puhoi motorway to rescue stranded motorists overnight. Auckland Airport is closed until at least midday on Saturday because of flooding, with no international or domestic flights departing or arriving.

MetService said a record amount of rain had fallen on Auckland in 24 hours – by 1am, the region had recorded 249mm of rain, smashing the previous 24-hour record of 161.8mm, back in February 1985. And monthly records have also been broken – the wettest January recorded at the Auckland Airport weather station until now was in 1986 with 20cm and the wettest month ever was July 1998 with 30cm. So far this month 32cm of rain has been recorded – a “massive” amount, MetService said.

Two more Civil Defence centres have also been opened for those who have been displaced – one at North Shore Events Centre and another at Manu Takutaku, 32 Riverton Dr, Randwick Park. Another centre at Saint Leonard’s Road School in Kelston opened yesterday evening.

To report flooding, damage to drains, or stormwater issues, please log the issue online. If life is at risk, phone 111. If someone needs urgent accommodation assistance, phone Auckland civil defence on 0800 22 22 00.

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