January 27, 2025

Liberal MP caught naked during House of Commons video conference

House of Commons #HouseofCommons

Catherine Levesque and Joan Bryden


The Canadian Press

Published April 14, 2021 Updated April 14, 2021

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A Liberal MP was caught wearing his birthday suit in the virtual House of Commons.

William Amos, who has represented the Quebec riding of Pontiac since 2015, appeared on the screens of his fellow members of Parliament completely naked Wednesday.

A screenshot obtained by The Canadian Press shows him standing behind a desk between the Quebec and Canadian flags, his private parts hidden by what appears to be a mobile phone in one hand.

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“This was an unfortunate error,” Mr. Amos said in a statement sent by e-mail Wednesday.

“My video was accidentally turned on as I was changing into my work clothes after going for a jog. I sincerely apologize to my colleagues in the House of Commons for this unintentional distraction. Obviously, it was an honest mistake and it won’t happen again.”

Bloc Québécois MP Claude DeBellefeuille, the party whip, raised the incident in a point of order after Question Period, suggesting a reminder about parliamentary decorum.

“It may be necessary to remind the members, especially the male ones, that a tie and jacket are obligatory, but so are a shirt, boxer shorts or pants,” she said in French.

“We have seen that the member is in great physical shape, but I think members should be reminded to be careful and control the camera well.”

Speaker Anthony Rota later thanked Ms. DeBellefeuille for her “observations” and clarified that while he had not seen anything, he checked with technicians and confirmed they saw something.

He reminded MPs to always be vigilant when they are near a camera and microphone.

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Mr. Amos, the parliamentary secretary to Industry Minister François-Philippe Champagne, was visible only to MPs and staffers on an internal video-conference feed. Because he was not speaking during Question Period, his image did not show up on the public feed.

Liberal whip Mark Holland said Mr. Amos was “utterly mortified.”

Mr. Holland said he was satisfied with the explanation from his caucus colleague.

“I don’t think there was any ill intent. It’s certainly an unfortunate circumstance,” Mr. Holland said in an interview.

“I think it’s part of the circumstances of the world we’re in right now, where the line between our home and our office place is so blurred and trying to manage that is sometimes challenging,” he added.

“This is a warning to everybody. You’ve got to really always assume that camera is on and be very careful any time you wander anywhere near that camera that you’re dressed appropriately.”

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Asked if he’ll be issuing a warning to all Liberal MPs to that effect, Mr. Holland said: “Oh, big time.”

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“, ].join(“”); } return template; } /** * Display “Follow”, “Following” buttons * @param {Object} tData * @returns {String} */ function displayFollowingButton(tData) { var topicName = tData.topicName; var topicSlug = tData.topicSlug; var topicType = tData.topicType; var topicImg = tData.topicImg; var isAuthor = topicType === “author”; var authorImg = isAuthor && topicImg ? “" + topicName + "” : “”; var template = isAuthor ? “/authors/” : “/topics/”; var href = window.tgam.env.baseRootAbsoluteUrl + template + topicSlug; var linkClasses = isAuthor ? “c-topic-link c-topic-link–author” : “c-topic-link”; return [ ” “, ].join(“”); } /** * Generates story card markup * @param {Object} article – to display * @param {Object} topicData – (topicName, topicSlug, topicType, topicVariation, topicImg) * @param {Boolean} addFollowButton * @returns {String} story card markup */ function storyCard(article, topicData, addFollowButton) { // console.info(“[ARC-7231] storyCard”, { article: article, topic: topicData }); if (!article || !topicData) { return “”; } var tName = topicData.topicName; var tType = topicData.topicType; var tVariation = topicData.topicVariation; var followingTopic; var timeTemplate; var analyticsModifier = tType + “: “; if (addFollowButton) { // Display a follow button beside the topic name followingTopic = displayFollowingButton(topicData); timeTemplate = displayDateTag(article); } var label = getLabel(article); var image = getImage(article, label); var labelTemplate = displayLabel(label); var imageTemplate = displayImage(image); var headline = article.headlines.basic; var href = window.tgam.env.baseUrl + article.canonical_url; var sophiId = article._id; var dataAnalyticsClick = JSON.stringify({ type: “link”, feature: “following feed”, contentId: sophiId, label: analyticsModifier + tName.toLowerCase() + “: ” + headline.toLowerCase(), page: “sec:homepage:personalized feed:” + tVariation, hierarchy: 1 }); var cardMarkup = “”; if (!followingTopic) { cardMarkup = [ “”, ” “, ”

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“, ].join(“”); } /** * Adds the overlay trigger dot class * @param {String} type – “unread” or “no-follow” */ function addOverlayTriggerDot(type) { overlayTriggerDotClasses.forEach(function fn(dotClass) { if (dotClass === “c-your-globe__trigger–dot–” + type) { overlayTrigger.classList.add(dotClass); } else { overlayTrigger.classList.remove(dotClass); } }); overlayTrigger.classList.add(“c-your-globe__trigger–dot”); } /** * Removes the overlay trigger dot class */ function removeOverlayTriggerDot() { overlayTriggerDotClasses.forEach(function fn(dotClass) { overlayTrigger.classList.remove(dotClass); }); overlayTrigger.classList.remove(“c-your-globe__trigger–dot”); } /** * Returns a heading element to be displayed inside the overlay * @param {String} text * @returns {String} */ function overlayLabel(text) { return “” + text + “”; } var overlayHeadingHasFollowed = ( overlayLabel(“The latest in topics and authors you follow”) + “

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” ); var overlayHeadingNoFollowed = ( overlayLabel(“Get started: build your personal news feed”) + “” + “

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  • Check back here or your Following page to view the latest articles on your topics.
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    You’re up to date on your Following feed. Check again later for new stories.

    “; // ************************************************ // Parse API response and inject markup into overlay // ************************************************ // Story card markup /** * Stories originally came from the following locations in the API response: * – data.articles[i].items[i].topics * – data.articles[i].items[i].authors * @param {Array} stories * @returns {String} story card markup */ function latestStoryCards(stories) { console.info(“[ARC-7231] Display latest stories based on these stories:”, stories); var storyCards = stories.map(function fn(story) { // The “topics” and “authors” arrays will only contain one item // (i.e. the topic or author that the user is following) var topic; var topicData; if (story.topics && story.topics.length) { // Normal topic topic = story.topics[0]; topicData = { topicName: topic.name, topicSlug: topic.slug, topicType: “topic”, topicVariation: “following” }; } else if (story.authors && story.authors.length) { // Author topic topic = story.authors[0]; // Only authors have images associated with them – normal topics do not var authorImg = topic.metadata && topic.metadata.image ? topic.metadata.image : null; topicData = { topicName: topic.byline, topicSlug: topic.slug, topicType: “author”, topicVariation: “following”, topicImg: authorImg }; } // Don’t display a follow button beside the topic because the user is already following it return storyCard(story, topicData, false); }).join(“”); return storyCards; } /** * @param {Array} topics * @param {String} variation – “recommended” or “trending” (used for the click tracking analytics) * @returns {String} story card markup */ function recommendedTrendingStoryCards(topics, variation) { var uniqueStories = generateUniqueStory(topics); var storyCards = uniqueStories.map(function fn(topic) { // Grab one article var story = topic.items[0]; // Only authors have images associated with them – normal topics do not var authorImg = topic.authorTopic && topic.authorMetadata && topic.authorMetadata.image ? topic.authorMetadata.image : null; // Normally we’d display all of the topics that are assigned to an article, but // this API groups articles by topic, so we only have access to that one topic. // Even if we could display additional topics, we wouldn’t want to becuase having // multiple follow buttons would junk up the UI. var topicData = { topicName: topic.name, topicSlug: topic.slug, topicType: topic.authorTopic ? “author” : “topic”, topicVariation: variation, topicImg: authorImg }; // Display the follow button beside the topic because we’re suggesting new topics to follow return storyCard(story, topicData, true); }).join(“”); return storyCards; } /** * Topics originally came from the following locations in the API response: * – data.recommendedAuthors * – data.recommendedTopics * @param {Array} topics * @returns {String} story card markup */ function recommendedStoryCards(topics) { console.info(“[ARC-7231] Display recommended stories based on these topics:”, topics); return recommendedTrendingStoryCards(topics, “recommended”); } /** * Topics originally came from the following location in the API response: * – data.trendingTopics * @param {Array} topics * @returns {String} story card markup */ function trendingStoryCards(topics) { console.info(“[ARC-7231] Display trending stories based on these topics:”, topics); return recommendedTrendingStoryCards(topics, “trending”); } // Markup inside the overlay /** * @param {Array} stories * @returns {Object} markup for the overlay’s header and body content areas */ function showLatestStories(stories) { console.info(“[ARC-7231] Scenario: latest stories”); var storyCardsMarkup = latestStoryCards(stories); return { header: overlayHeadingHasFollowed, body: storyCardsMarkup }; } /** * @param {Array} topics * @returns {Object} markup for the overlay’s header and body content areas */ function upToDateShowRecommended(topics) { console.info(“[ARC-7231] Scenario: up to date, show recommended”); var storyCardsMarkup = recommendedStoryCards(topics); return { header: overlayHeadingHasFollowed, body: ( upToDateMessage + overlayLabel(“Recommended for you”) + storyCardsMarkup ) }; } /** * @param {Array} topics * @returns {Object} markup for the overlay’s header and body content areas */ function upToDateShowTrending(topics) { console.info(“[ARC-7231] Scenario: up to date, show trending”); var storyCardsMarkup = trendingStoryCards(topics); return { header: overlayHeadingHasFollowed, body: ( upToDateMessage + overlayLabel(“Trending topics to follow”) + storyCardsMarkup ) }; } /** * @param {Array} topics * @returns {Object} markup for the overlay’s header and body content areas */ function notFollowingShowRecommended(topics) { console.info(“[ARC-7231] Scenario: not following, show recommended”); var storyCardsMarkup = recommendedStoryCards(topics); return { header: overlayHeadingNoFollowed, body: ( overlayLabel(“Recommended for you”) + storyCardsMarkup ) }; } /** * @param {Array} topics * @returns {Object} markup for the overlay’s header and body content areas */ function notFollowingShowTrending(topics) { console.info(“[ARC-7231] Scenario: not following, show trending”); var storyCardsMarkup = trendingStoryCards(topics); return { header: overlayHeadingNoFollowed, body: ( overlayLabel(“Trending topics to follow”) + storyCardsMarkup ) }; } /** * Parse data from the personalized API and inject markup into the overlay * @see https://confluence.theglobeandmail.com/display/ARC/Logic+for+Embedded+on+Homepage++and+Your+Globe+Overlay * @param {Object} data – topic and story data provided by the API * @param {String} hashId – user’s hash id */ function parsePerzonalizedTopicsData(data, hashId) { console.info(“[ARC-7231] parsePerzonalizedTopicsData”, data); var totalTopicsFollowed = data.totalTopicsFollowed || 0; var totalAuthorsFollowed = data.totalAuthorsFollowed || 0; var recommendedTopics = data.recommendedTopics || []; var recommendedAuthors = data.recommendedAuthors || []; var latestStories = data.articles || []; var topics = []; var stories = []; var markup = “”; if (totalTopicsFollowed || totalAuthorsFollowed) { if (latestStories.length) { // Scenario 1: “Latest stories” // Count the number of stories returned (for logging/debugging purposes only) var latestStoriesCount = latestStories.reduce(function _reduceStories(accumulator, date) { var urls = date.items.map(function _mapStories(article) { return article.canonical_url; }); return accumulator.concat(urls); }, []).length; console.info(“[ARC-7231] latestStoryUrls (” + latestStoriesCount + “)”); // Fetch the user’s reading history // TODO: this API request will no longer be necessary when Data Science makes // the “isRead” property functional (it’s currently “false” 100% of the time) getReadingHistory(hashId).then(function _historyFetched(historyData) { var readingHistoryUrls = historyData.map(function _mapHistory(item) { return item.url; }); console.info(“[ARC-7231] readingHistoryUrls (” + readingHistoryUrls.length + “)”); var currentArticleUrl = window.tgam.meta.pagetype === “story” ? window.tgam.meta.urlRelative : null; // Filter out stories that exist in the user’s reading history var filteredStories = latestStories.map(function _mapDates(dateObj) { var items = dateObj.items.filter(function _filterStories(article) { var articleUrl = article.canonical_url; var shouldRemove = readingHistoryUrls.includes(articleUrl) || article.isRead || articleUrl === currentArticleUrl; if (shouldRemove) { if (articleUrl === currentArticleUrl) { console.info(“[ARC-7231] Currently reading this article, so removing: ” + articleUrl); } else { console.info(“[ARC-7231] Has already been read, so removing: ” + articleUrl); } } return !shouldRemove; }); return { date: dateObj.date, items: items }; }, []); stories = generateLatestStories(filteredStories); markup = showLatestStories(stories); var atLeastOneStoryIsNew = isLocalStorageSupported() ? checkNewStories(stories) : true; if (atLeastOneStoryIsNew) { // Display indicator only when there is a new story since the last time the user checked the feed addOverlayTriggerDot(“unread”); } populateOverlay(markup, true); }); } else { if (recommendedTopics.length || recommendedAuthors.length) { // Scenario 2: “Up to date, show recommended” topics = recommendedAuthors.concat(recommendedTopics); markup = upToDateShowRecommended(topics); } else { // Scenario 3: “Up to date, show trending” topics = data.trendingTopics || []; markup = upToDateShowTrending(topics); } populateOverlay(markup, true); } } else { topics = recommendedAuthors.concat(recommendedTopics); if (topics.length) { // Scenario 4: “Not following, show recommended” markup = notFollowingShowRecommended(topics); } else { // Scenario 5: “Not following, show trending” topics = data.trendingTopics || []; markup = notFollowingShowTrending(topics); } addOverlayTriggerDot(“no-follow”); populateOverlay(markup, false); } } /** * Populate the overlay with content and activate the “following” functionality * @param {String} markup – HTML markup * @param {Boolean} headerBorder – whether to include a header border */ function populateOverlay(markup, headerBorder) { var overlayHeader = qs(“.c-your-globe__overlay-header”); var overlayHeaderText = qs(“.c-your-globe__overlay-header-text”); var overlayBody = qs(“.c-your-globe__overlay-body”); if (!overlayHeader || !overlayHeaderText || !overlayBody) { return; } console.info(“[ARC-7231] Append markup”); var spinner = qs(“.c-spinner”); spinner && spinner.parentElement.removeChild(spinner); overlayHeaderText.insertAdjacentHTML(“afterbegin”, markup.header); overlayBody.insertAdjacentHTML(“afterbegin”, markup.body); if (!headerBorder) { overlayHeader.classList.add(“c-your-globe__overlay-header–no-border”); } addFollowingFunctionality(); } // ************************************************ // API calls // ************************************************ // Reading History API /** * Validate a response has an “ok” status, and is in the range 200-299 inclusive. * @param {Response} response – to validate * @returns {Promise

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