Letter from the Editor: Today, we’re thankful for you – our readers, our sources, our communities
Thankful #Thankful

If you’re a regular reader of this column, you know I cover a wide range of topics – some about our work, some about our industry and some of a personal nature.
This platform lets me tell you often how much I appreciate your suggestions, notes of encouragement or challenge, and especially your support of our journalism through your subscriptions to our newspapers, online newspapers and digital exclusive stories.
It’s an honor each week to represent the MLive journalists who live and work all around this wonderful state. But on this day of thanks, I want to let you hear directly from them how much our readers, sources and communities mean to us. Happy Thanksgiving!
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Audra Gamble, lead news reporter, Grand Rapids
Thank you for trusting us to be the watchdogs making sure your local government is functioning for you. It’s a responsibility we will always take seriously because these are our communities, too.
Andrew Kahn, University of Michigan sports reporter
Isn’t there a saying about how a piece of writing without any readers is just a diary? Your participation is the whole point. I’m thankful for the opportunity to write for MLive and to tell stories, which starts with those willing to talk to me and ends with the readers. I thank you all!
Jake May, photographer, Flint
I am so grateful for the beautiful city of Flint and its greater community. It brought me this incredible life, my wife and stepdaughter. To our fellow Flintstones, we are forever grateful for all that you are and do. Choose love and enjoy the holidays! P.S.: Go Lions!
Gus Burns, investigative reporter
I appreciate all of the brave sources who share their tips, information and personal stories. It’s not always easy but is often valuable. Thank you for making my job so exciting and gratifying.
Lynn Moore, reporter, Muskegon
Thanks to our readers, especially subscribers who see value in quality local journalism. I appreciate your support.
Neil Blake, videographer
Over the years I’ve witnessed some of the hardest things happening in our state and some of the best. I love meeting you on assignment and using my camera to document the stories of the day. Thanks for supporting us as we strive to keep you informed on what’s happening in your town.
Mark Torregrossa, meteorologist
Thank you for being so interested with me in our Michigan weather. I have a great time with you as we try to figure out what Mother Nature is going to throw at us.
Danielle Salisbury, assistant editor, statewide news team
Thank you for answering our questions and sharing sometimes difficult or intimate details, for opening your homes, neighborhoods and businesses to us. Thank you for sending your troubles, tips and tidbits. So many impactful stories start with those, no matter how seemingly small.
Matthew Miller, investigative reporter
Thanks to all of the sources who have taken the time to tell their stories, share their expertise and walk me through unfamiliar topics. Without you, I wouldn’t know half as much about pet taxidermy, ski jumping, commercial property taxes, porn accountability software, police union contracts, hospital finance … you get the idea.
Sara Scott, director of local news and investigations
Thank for you engaging and participating in your communities, thank you for the work you do to help your communities grow and flourish. And, most importantly, thank you for letting us be a part of it. It’s an honor to share your stories with our readers.
Mitchell Kukulka, reporter, Jackson and Ann Arbor
Thank you for sticking with us as we strive to tell the Mitten State’s never-ending story through times both good and bad, and for making our coverage possible through your ongoing support and engagement. Thank you for bringing out the best in all of us.
Sheri McWhirter, statewide environment reporter
In honor of national Native American Heritage Month, I would like to take this opportunity to thank the many Native Michiganders who shared their time, knowledge, and stories with me this year. I will be forever grateful for the trust placed in me – a settler journalist living on ancestral Anishinaabek land – and will endeavor to always earn that trust. Miigwetch!
Roberto Acosta, news leader, Flint
Thank you, readers, for being informed about your communities, letting us into your homes and hearts to share your voices and stories, and for caring about what’s taking place now and staying up to date on the possibilities for the future in your neighborhoods. We do what we do for you.
Kaytie Boomer, photographer, Bay City and Saginaw
It’s an honor to be trusted to share Michigan stories with you through photos, videos and reporting. Your support and willingness to participate in our stories is key to local journalism and I’m so grateful to all of you.
Eric Gaertner, senior news editor for West Michigan
Thank you for turning to MLive to learn more about your community. Whether holding local officials accountable or providing news you can use, we appreciate the faith you put in us as local journalists and don’t take it for granted.
John Counts, news leader, Ann Arbor, Jackson and investigative team
It’s our honor to tell your stories and keep you informed. We’re grateful for your readership, as well as your partnership, as we build our communities together.
Bryn Mickle, director of sports
I am thankful for the trust that our readers put in us every day and I am thankful for our staff that works so hard every day to earn that trust.
Bob Johnson, news leader, Saginaw and Bay City
We are thankful for your continued support and for all the feedback and story ideas you provide. We take pride in bringing you the stories and information that shape our communities.
Sam Dodge, reporter, Ann Arbor
Thank you, Michiganders! You push us to dig for stories that highlight the cool people that live in our state to shining a light on people making things more difficult for others. We couldn’t do this without you, so a hearty thank you and Happy Thanksgiving to you all!
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I have some good news for subscribers, just in time for the holidays: MLive now lets you “gift” up to 10 subscriber exclusive stories per month with friends and family; they don’t need to subscribe to access the gifted articles. Simply look for the gift box icon under the top photo of every subscriber exclusive story; click the icon and enter an email address. If you’re a print subscriber who has not activated digital access, visit myaccount.mlive.com. Click on “Activate “and follow the prompts.
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John Hiner is the vice president of content for MLive Media Group. If you have questions you’d like him to answer, or topics to explore, share your thoughts at editor@mlive.com.