September 21, 2024

Lemon and lime trees and queen palms are most at risk from freeze; more damage may show up later

Lemon #Lemon

I have several citrus trees here on the north shore that have been damaged by the freezes. I’m not sure what to do. — Andre Simmons

Citrus really took a beating in areas where it got down into the teens. In addition, temperatures stayed below freezing for extended periods contributing to damage. Lemons and limes, being the least cold-tolerant, are more likely to be killed.

If a cold-damaged citrus tree drops its leaves, that’s a good sign as it indicates the branches are likely still alive. If the leaves have turned brown and are still clinging to the tree, then that indicates major damage to the branches. Don’t do anything to your citrus trees now.

When new growth begins in spring, you will be able to clearly see what is alive (sprouting) and what is dead. If new sprouts are only from the base of the trunk, the desirable citrus is lost and all that is left alive is the rootstock. Remove and replace the tree. If the new growth occurs from upper portions of the tree above the graft union, prune back dead growth to the areas that are sprouting.

However, this is not the end. Cold-damaged citrus trees that sprout out in spring may show more damage in midsummer. Growing shoots may collapse and die and may be pruned off then. It won’t be until late summer that you see the true extent of the damage.

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What can I do for my palm trees after the freeze? I have several queen palms I’m concerned about. — Diana Helmsworth

Queen palms (Syagrus romanzoffiana) are the least cold-tolerant of the palms commonly planted in landscapes. They generally tolerate temperatures down to about 20 degrees, so in areas where it stayed above 20 degrees, I’d be optimistic most have survived. In areas where temperatures plunged well into the teens, many queen palms have likely been lost.

Trees that do survive may show signs of damage well into the future. Cold damage can cause large wounds to develop on the trunk over time. If you see rotten areas on the trunks of queen palms in years to come, it is most likely old cold damage.

You didn’t ask, but here are some comments on other types of palms. Date palms (Phoenix dactylifera), Canary Island date palms (P. canariensis) and Sylvester palm (P. sylvestris) have likely survived. The pygmy date palm (Phoenix roebelenii) is less hardy. They are severely damaged or killed by temperatures below 25 degrees and many have been lost.

The foliage of Washingtonia palms (Washingtonia robusta) may turn brown, but I expect that they have not been killed. Most of the other species of palms we commonly plant in our landscapes, including windmill palm, pindo palm, cabbage palm, dwarf palmetto, Chinese fan palm, lady palm and Mediterranean fan palm, should be fine.

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Feel free to prune off the brown fronds of cold injured palms in March. Be patient about them sprouting out new growth. New fronds may not appear until July. If no new growth has appeared by then, the palms are dead and may be removed.

My gingers were severely damaged by the freezes. They are totally brown. Do you think there is any chance that they have survived and will recover? — Jason

Tropicals like gingers that produce rhizomes, bulbs or other fleshy below-ground organs should be just fine. Cut badly burned gingers, cannas, ferns and elephant ears back down to the ground and mulch over the rhizomes. Agapanthus (lily of the Nile), amaryllis, crinum and spider lilies (Hymenocallis) sustained damage to their foliage, but will reliably return from their below-ground parts. Prune away any dead foliage and they should sprout back out in March.

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Dan Gill is a retired consumer horticulture specialist with the LSU AgCenter. He hosts the “Garden Show” on WWL-AM Saturdays at 9 a.m. Email gardening questions to

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