October 6, 2024

Laura Coates Quivers Over Kammy, as Cuomo Is Contentious With Kelly

Kammy #Kammy

Laura Coates was interviewing the vice president, and you truly get a grasp of just how deep into the tank the press has gone for the Biden administration. While most of the general public sees Kamala Harris speak and reacts anywhere between yawns, shrugs, or utter laughter over her word salad bar delivery, Coates is literally swooning over the magnificence that is Kammy, in her presence:

I’m struck just being in your presence. I was watching you on stage. Looking at you in the eye with your passion.

This only continues to prove a standard in the press – “shame” is something to hurl at others, not something to be felt.

Reporting on the Mirror – NEWS NATION

For reasons known only to him and his therapist, Chris Cuomo has a tendency to lash out at Megyn Kelly. In a dose of this imbalanced approach to her, Chris felt the need to pipe up about Megyn making commentary about a recent interview conducted by Joy Reid. The MSNBC hostess made the poor decision to have on the air for an interview Tiffany Justice of Moms For Liberty, the group said to be controversial for wanting to limit sexually-charged books in elementary school libraries.

Kelly remarked that Reid was an “idiot’ for the manner of her questioning during the interview, and for some reason, this pestered Chris Cuomo to the point of needing to remark on her post. This was shown to be an error in judgment on his part, as Kelly was not only willing to engage with Cuomo but shut him down in a rather efficient manner.

Pulitzer Prize Nomination / Distinguished Local Reporting 

When a shooting recently took place in a mall in Kansas City, there were questions about what led to this violence between young adults, but none more insipid than this poser from one local reporterette. The mystery, as she saw it, was how could this shooting have even happened, given the entranceway had a sign posted on the doors that the location was a gun-free zone, but then she hit upon the reasoning.

Not only was the posted ordinance located in a hard-to-see area of the lower door, but the posted warning was an inch or two smaller than required by law – so the individual willing to break numerous laws – including murder – was possibly unaware of the rules at that particular location.

Pre-Written Field Reports – MSNBC

Rachel Maddow and Brian Stelter had a discussion over Donald Trump, and you will not believe this – it became a deranged rant on how the country will be rendered to its end!

Yes…again. Trump is running to become a dictator (ignore the duly elected aspect), he will behave like a dictator (ignore that’s exactly what Biden is doing now), and we will see every manner of horror imaginable (ignore that these never occurred when he was president for four years).

The concept that the country is filled with people too stupid to realize all of this nightmarish scenario will transpire is being delivered to an MSNBC audience that has to be rather insipid if they believe any of this blather.

Reporting on the Mirror – LOS ANGELES TIMES

Amazingly, the gambit by Los Angeles Times workers to walk out on Friday and impact the income of the revenue-strapped newspaper did not prevent layoffs from taking place. Over 100 have been let go, including a number of prominent writers on the staff, from the DC bureau to the Dodgers beat reporters.

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