September 21, 2024

Korie Robertson Reflects on Power of Entertainment: ‘It Shapes Our Culture’

Robertson #Robertson

Published: August 2, 2023Photo from Korie Robertson’s Instagram Korie Robertson Reflects on Power of Entertainment: ‘It Shapes Our Culture’

By Movieguide® Contributor

DUCK DYNASTY’s Korie Robertson shared a heartfelt message on her Instagram that challenged her followers to evaluate how the entertainment they consume affects them.

“I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the power of books, podcast, film, music ‘entertainment’ in all of its forms. What we consume matters. It’s shaping us, changing us, affecting our minds, our thoughts, our behavior whether we are aware of it like these examples or not,” she wrote.

“I read a book called ‘Born to Run’ then ran a half marathon. I then read books by @doc_amen and @tanaamen and watched THE MAGIC PILL and cut out sugar and white flour entirely for a while (it has snuck back in, but not as much as before).”

“When I went through a challenging time in life I flooded my car with worship music only and I became more aware of God’s presence around me,” she added. “A few years ago, we watched THE GAME CHANGERS doc and went vegetarian for about 6 months. Right now, I’m listening to “Younger Next Year” on audible and have begun my journey to 6 days a week exercise (trust me this is not my norm).”

Robertson then expressed how each of those changes she made to her daily life changed her for the better.

“I don’t do any of these things as strictly as I did when I was in the midst of reading, watching or listening to them, but each helped me to be healthier, caused me to do things differently, they changed my behavior and changed me,” Robertson wrote.

Robertson challenged her followers to assess their lives and make the changes they want to see.

“If you don’t like where you are headed or want to change something about your life I’m suggesting you do this one simple thing: Take a look at all of the things you are reading, watching, listening to; music, books, podcasts, tv, social media, movies…and make a change,” she added.

“Just input different things than you normally do and see what happens. If there is one thing that I’ve learned by being in the entertainment business it’s this: Entertainment is shaping our culture and it is shaping us. It’s not neutral. It’s changing us positively or negatively.”

“I hope by the choices I’m making it’s shaping me for the better, and I hope collectively it shapes our culture, our world, for the better. That’s up to me and up to you,” she concluded.

Movieguide® previously reported on Robertson:

“In 2021 my word for the year was ‘present’ for 2023 it’s ‘presence,’” Robertson wrote under a slideshow of family photos. “Only 2 letters different, however one is about me, becoming present with those around me, with what’s right before me, with God. It was a good word.” 

She continued, “This year, however, the word ‘presence’ is all about the desire to experience God more fully in every single moment of my life.”

Robertson explained that she has struggled with meditation and “sitting quiet with God free from distractions” but plans to work on it this year. She also revealed that she took a break from social media in January…

Robertson continued, “Once I got to the end of that though, I had time to discover what I really want to spend my time on…That is to simply sit at the feet of Jesus. I want to be ever in awe of God. I want to be Mary, not Martha. I want Jesus to say of me ‘She has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken from her.’”

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