October 6, 2024

Karl Rove ‘not surprised’ judge questioned Hunter Biden plea deal as ‘get out of jail free card’

Hunter Biden #HunterBiden

Former White House chief of staff Karl Rove said he is “not surprised” that the federal judge presiding over Hunter Biden’s court appearance took issue with the plea agreement on Wednesday.

Biden and prosecutors had originally entered a deal where the first son would plead guilty to two tax misdemeanor charges to avoid a felony gun possession charge. However, Delaware federal District Judge Maryellen Noreika threw a “curveball” during the proceedings and said she was not ready to accept the “sweetheart” plea deal.


The outcome resulted in Biden pleading not guilty after Noreika raised concerns over how much immunity the deal would bring him. Rove equated the immunity plea to an attempt by the defense to use a “get out of jail free card” for his other alleged misconduct.

“Look, you give immunity in return for, generally, for assistance,” Rove said in an interview with Fox News.

“So, the grant of immunity would normally be tied to cooperation in going after a bigger fish, so to speak. And instead, it looks like, you know, that was a get out of jail free card for anything that he might have done or might do for some period of time. ”

“I thought it was extraordinary when Hunter Biden’s attorney said that. And actually, I’m not surprised that the judge had a problem with it. Think about that: ‘Give me a free pass on anything that you may not have been able to pin on me so far, but that you may find out about me in the months ahead,'” Rove added.

Noreika has delayed ruling on the agreement until she obtains additional briefings from the government and Biden’s counsel. The prosecution told the judge that the investigation is ongoing.


“You all are telling me to ‘please rubber-stamp this agreement, your honor.’ I am not in a position where I can decide on the plea agreement,” Noreika said Wednesday.

Without the arrangement, President Joe Biden’s son could face up to 12 months in prison, a fine of $25,000 for each tax violation count, and a maximum sentence of 10 years in jail for the felony.

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