March 18, 2025

Just One Word: Migrate

Migrate #Migrate

Steve Denton is the CEO of Ware2Go, a UPS Company offering a flexible and on-demand warehousing and fulfillment network.


In an iconic scene in the classic film The Graduate, Dustin Hoffman is advised to keep in mind just one word: plastics.” Hearing that in the 1960s might not be unlike getting a one-word stock tip in the ’80s like “Apple” or “Microsoft.” Each of those nuggets, in their time, became business gold if you were paying attention to the opportunity. Similarly, as we transition from 2020 to 2021, I’d suggest again keeping one word in mind: migrate.

Moving Forward

Migrating is about moving forward. Why? Because the best businesses should move nimbly and with speed — and adjust, pivot, test and try. That’s migration, and if you aren’t thinking about it and actually moving from something traditional to a better alternative, you could be in trouble.

A key element has been the “forcing function” of adapting to the pandemic. We’ve experienced a near-immediate shift to a remote workforce by so many firms and rapid changes to supply chains across nearly every industry. All these impacts have been game-changers — and if you aren’t migrating somehow, then you’re likely not in tune with the new realities of 2020 and beyond. From the supply chain to personnel management and new ways of selling and distribution, migration is where it’s at. We’re currently migrating our customers to a new technology platform, and migration is top of mind for me every day.

What It Takes To Be An Employer Of Choice

For example, when it comes to being an employer of choice, you’d better migrate. Recruiting and retaining the best talent is now different. Perks like on-site catering and dry-cleaning services were great when everyone was on campus, but today keeping employees safe and finding new ways to engage them has become paramount. Firms should cultivate new ways to train and professionally develop employees while building out an optimized digital workplace that involves far more than just endless Zoom meetings.

Everyone must adapt, and while the many companies are offering different perks, company cultures will survive as the traditional office birthday cake — and more — goes virtual. This will be a particularly big adjustment for many small to medium businesses (SMBs) and midmarket companies, many of which are used to doing almost everything face to face, including marketing, selling, training, development and customer onboarding. But the migration will occur. Many firms are already on this path; the pandemic greatly accelerated digital transformation. From a management perspective, the transition to managing a distributed, mostly digital workforce is generally easier for larger companies that are already familiar with making global operations work, but this is an area where smaller firms can model and emulate success.

Migrating To New Ways Of Selling And Collaborating

The continued digitalization of sales and support also includes “migration” in the way that customers shop. Many customers now get the bulk of their information from online research, including review sites, and I’ve found that most only engage with vendors at the point when they’re fairly far down the purchase funnel and ready to talk or buy. Supporting these new sales channels means that another key form of “migration” is to upskill and retool your sales professionals. You should empower them to thrive using remote tools because we could be months or even years away from the on-site, in-person sales call or trade show. 

Today’s reality means that we must go beyond videoconferencing and find new ways to collaborate. Solutions will likely include digital sales rooms and augmented or virtual reality (AR/VR) tools, which could help deliver immersive brand experiences that are just as effective as traditional pre-pandemic methods. In addition, more personalized marketing that incorporates carefully tailored content could assist sales organizations in opening new channels — another form of migration from the old to the new.

Top Lessons Learned 

I’ve also learned in my own business that assumptions around growth rates for 2020 were not exactly correct. Historical trends have certainly become less relevant given the dramatic shifts brought about by the pandemic. So, for 2021 and beyond, we should temper assumptions based on those norms with a nimbler planning process that incorporates pandemic-driven inputs, such as the growth of e-commerce or lower office space requirements.

Another lesson I’ve learned is that companies can operate much more effectively than we ever thought we could with a remote workforce. Our new virtual world means that companies can better answer the “talent versus geography” question when it comes to recruiting. Not only do we have access to a larger talent pool thanks to remote work, but we have also been forced to become better and more precise communicators. 

Today, the business world generally understands that most companies don’t need to see employees five days a week. We’ve also learned that customers have changed their expectations, and they are now more than willing to engage online and in other new ways. My company’s customers are embracing new ways of doing business with us via new channels, through new interactions, and through new ways of servicing them, which has led to new efficiencies and ways of working that will be with us long after the pandemic has subsided.

To sum it up, migration is really all about new ways to recruit, learn and thrive. Maybe the word for 2021 is not a single word, in fact. Forget about the current equivalent of “plastics.” I believe success will result from optimism and a firm commitment to being flexible, fast and adaptable.

Forbes Technology Council is an invitation-only community for world-class CIOs, CTOs and technology executives. Do I qualify?

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