September 20, 2024

Josh Allen jumped into a Giants – Bills skirmish to protect his offensive lineman after a cheap shot

Josh Allen #JoshAllen

Usually there’s a set course of action when it comes to NFL offensive lineman skirmishes. It’s usually some sort of cheap shot on a quarterback, following up by a beefy 300-pound protector rushing in as a low-stakes enforcer.

On Sunday night, Josh Allen and the Buffalo Bills flipped that script. That’s something you can do when your quarterback is 6-foot-5, 247 pounds and has a penchant for running through tackles like a Ford F-150 brought to life by a tipsy witch.

Allen and his Bills had just picked up a first down inside the New York Giants’ five-yard line when some post-whistle pushing and shoving led to a scuffle. At some point, right tackle Spencer Brown got separated from the pack and tossed to the ground via blindside shove from Giant lineman Dexter Lawrence. That’s when Allen sprung into action.

Allen laid a hit on linebacker Bobby Okereke, who’d been an aggressor against Brown. The two tangled briefly and the officials regained control of the game. Everyone escaped injury and after four unnecessary roughness penalties the Bills got back to business.

It was a risky move for Allen, who could have been hurt taking yet another hit in a season filled with them. It’s also the kind of move that has a unifying effect for a struggling team. Hell, it already got to defensive lineman DaQuan Jones — and he’s on injured reserve.

He wasn’t the only one who noticed.

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