October 6, 2024

Jon Voight Hawks Baseless Election Fraud Claims, Calls Leftists “Evil, Corrupt” And In League With Satan

Jon Voight #JonVoight

In a rant bizarre even by Jon Voight standards, the Ray Donovan actor gives voice to evidence-free allegations that the victory of now-President-Elect Joe Biden was “a lie.”

Seated and seeming to read from cue cards to his left, Voight says in a tweeted video, “My fellow Americans, I stand here with all the feelings I do, disgusted with this lie that Biden has been chosen. As if we all don’t know the truth. And when one tries to deceive, we know that one can’t get away with it, there will be a price to pay.”

See Voight’s video tweet below.

Voight, a longtime staunch supporter of Donald Trump, goes on to say, “The ones who are jumping for joy now are jumping toward the horror they will be in for because I know that the promises being made from the left to the American people will never come to be.

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“My friends of all colors, races and religions,” Voight continues, “this is now our greatest fight since the Civil War: the battle of righteousness versus Satan. Yes, Satan.”

“Leftists,” the 81-year-old former Midnight Cowboy star explains, are “evil, corrupt, and they want to tear down this nation.”

“We must not allow this. We must fight this corruption that has taken over and fight for the good that seems lost. Let us give our trust to God and fight now for Trump’s victory because we all know this ballot count is corruption like they are. So let us not back down. Let us fight this fight as if it is our last fight on Earth.”

Voight ends by co-opting Muhammad Ali in his fight against Lucifer: As the boxer once said, Voight notes, “It’s not over until the last punch you have.”

Earlier this month, Voight’s Ray Donovan co-star Eddie Marsan urged Americans to vote Biden. Tweeting an on-set photo of himself looking miserable as Voight stands beside him, Marsan wrote, “Please vote for Joe Biden, I can’t spend another 4 years listening to this bullshit.”

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