September 19, 2024

John Redwood savages ‘sell-out Labour’ for ‘thwarting’ Brexit progress in scathing rant

John Redwood #JohnRedwood

Brexiteer and Tory MP Sir John Redwood raged at the Labour Party and their attitude towards Brexit. While speaking to Martin Daubney and Belinda de Lucy of Brexit Unlocked, Sir John argued the Labour Party had not been reading the mood of the UK. He noted that it was odd the Labour Party continued to want more EU, despite the vote for Brexit and less European Union intervention.

Sir John said: “I think Her Majesty’s Opposition are probably the ones who take the prize for most troublesome in thwarting Brexit.

“They should know the mood of the electorate in the fact that they lost seats in the last general election.

“Throughout the Brexit period, they would never give any support to those of us who were prepared to be rebels in Parliament.

“Doing this by standing up to a Government that was a bit too European as they always wanted to be more European.”

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Sir John continued to attack the Labour Party for their lack of resistance to any laws passed by the EU.

He continued: “Instead of Labour saying no you mustn’t sell that out or accept that crazy law they were saying let us do more of it, come on EU, make it worse for us.

“They never stood up to a single bad law of the EU, isn’t it remarkable that over those years, all the legislation, the Labour Party never found anything they disagreed with.”

Mr Daubney also questioned what message to Brexiteers Sir John had at this stage in the Brexit trade talks.

“Keep up the pressure, ladies and gentleman, and make sure the MPs you elected move to make sure we get a good clean Brexit.

“A Brexit that means we can make our own choices and decisions.

“We can have those world trade deals with our friends and allies around the world, we can decide whether to impose tariffs or not and we can decide what laws we want to have.

“We have got too many bad laws we have had imported from Europe against our will.

“It is time to sort all of that out and we need to be free to be able to do that.”

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