December 27, 2024

Jake Tapper Questions GOP Gov. on Trump’s Bonkers RNC Rant: Party Shaping Itself ‘Around the Grievances and Lies of One Man’

Jake #Jake

CNN’s Jake Tapper spoke with a Republican governor on Sunday about the state of the GOP after former President Donald Trump went on a bonkers rant about the election and trashing people like Mitch McConnell during at an RNC donor retreat Saturday.

Trump repeated his baseless claims about the election and, among other things, called McConnell a “dumb son of a bitch.”

In speaking with Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson, Tapper noted Trump continuing to repeat his “dangerous lie” and asked, “Does this concern you that your party continues to shape itself around the grievances and lies of one man?”

“Well, anything that’s divisive is a concern and is not helpful for us fighting the battles in Washington at the state level,” Hutchinson responded. “In some ways, it’s not a big deal what he said. But at the same time, whenever it draws attention, we don’t need that. We need unity.”

Tapper brought up comments from John Boehner’s new book to ask Hutchinson if “this [is] still your Republican party.”

The governor said Republicans should “get back to our principles” and “stop the personality divisions that we have and focus on really the historic role that we’ve played, which is a voice for smaller government, not bigger government.”

You can watch above, via CNN.

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