October 6, 2024

It’s Almost Monday And That’s A Good Thing.

Good Monday #GoodMonday

almost monday EP til the end of time


I love local bands. Almost Monday is an indie pop/alternative pop trio out of my hometown of San Diego with a cool vibe and a drive to succeed. Their song hailey beebs along with their singles broken people and live forever are powering almost monday’s move to take a position on radio charts and allowing them 30 minute slots at festivals such as Bonnaroo, Firefly, Lollapalooza and Bottle Rock this Summer.

The band is Dawson Daugherty, Cole Clisby and Luke Fabry who formed the band while in high school. Dawson handles vocals with Cole on guitar and Luke on bass. They have no permanent drummer, instead picking up session players as needed or to play behind them live. That is smart business. If all young bands understood cost control mechanisms, their later years might be a bit more relaxed.

Like any good band out of beach town, almost monday began performing shows in a buddy’s surf shop in Encinitas, CA. Slowly they worked their way around the local circuit as they built audience and escape velocity. Ultimately almost monday worked their way up to the Belly Up, which is the pinnacle of San Diego clubs, however because of Covid-19, they played that show by live streaming.

almost monday currently have a new EP out til the end of time:

Smarturlalmost monday – til the end of time EP

They put a call out to Justin Beiber’s wife as hailey beebs onto the EP which is doing well even though this song has been in the repertoire for a while. I’m not keeping time with pop star relationships, but I do like it when the conversation carries a hook or two.

What I enjoyed most about the discussion with the band is the ease by which they interacted both with each other and with me as we approached the world from our disparate places in life. They’re just beginning the ride, with a goal of breaking out as a band which can headline its own shows. I’m a little more cynical, having watched just how steeply the slope angles as you try to get closer to the top of the mountain. But, I am impressed with their potential, the songs and their chance to gather attention as they begin to play live again this summer. almost monday are good guys with a distinctive sound. Add the freedom of a summer’s day and even the most jaded of music fans should be able to find a hook in the music which holds their attention. It is summer after a long run of isolation and the world wants to be free to have fun, enjoy collective experiences and hear fresh music.

Our discussion in both video and audio podcast formats is here:

My impression of almost monday is they are craftsmen working to build a catalogue of work in their genre, while waiting for the opening when the can get back out onto the road and in front of fans. Youth isn’t always wasted on the young. Sometimes it’s wasted on the older who dismiss the new. I’m looking forward to BottleRock durint the first weekend of September this year for many reasons, with one more added to the list. almost monday are playing on Sunday which is both spiritually and grammatically correct.

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