October 6, 2024

Hunter Biden used N-word in banter with white lawyer: Report

Hunter Biden #HunterBiden

Hunter Biden wearing a suit and tie © Provided by Washington Examiner

Text messages found in a laptop believed to have belonged to Hunter Biden show him referring to his white lawyer by the N-word several times in various conversations.

Screengrabs retrieved by the Daily Mail show President Joe Biden’s 51-year-old son used the word when casually talking to George Mesires, who the report said charged $845 per hour, in conversations that took place between 2018 and 2019.


In one instance, Biden sent Mesires a message, saying, “I only love you because you’re black,’ followed by ‘true dat n***a’ in a conversation about unconditional love, followed by jokes about his penis.

In the same exchange, Biden uses the word again in a message to Mesires, who talked about ways he could find unconditional love.

“God loves unconditionally. Beau loves you unconditionally. Children are too young to understand what it means. But you will show them. There are ideals of unconditional love that serve as proxies. I don’t have many. You. God,” Mesires said.

In response, Biden says “OMG n***a did you just a fictional character from the imagination of the collective frightened and my dead brothers unconditional love is what I should rely on and my kids aren’t children George.”

The report also includes a screenshot of a meme stored in the laptop from 2017 that shows former President Barack Obama with Biden’s father, who was Obama’s vice president, hugging with text that makes it appear as if the elder Biden is saying, “You my n***a, Barack.”

On Tuesday, the hashtag #racistHunter was trending on Twitter.

During the 2020 election campaign, a laptop and hard drive that purportedly belonged to the younger Biden snagged headlines. Its contents included materials about his personal life and business dealings and have become fodder for former President Donald Trump to sling at the Biden family with claims of corruption and impropriety.

Hunter Biden has never denied the authenticity of the laptop, and he even conceded in an interview earlier this year that it “certainly” could be his. Biden also has never directly addressed what appears to be a computer repair invoice signed by him on April 12, 2019, after the laptop and a hard drive were left at a Delaware computer repair shop.

The FBI seized the laptop, and Biden revealed in December that federal investigators were combing through his tax affairs. Biden said in April he was “cooperating completely” with the investigation and insisted that he is “100% certain” he will be cleared of wrongdoing.

“All I can do is cooperate and trust in the process,” the president’s son added.


President Joe Biden has made racial equity a central component to his presidential campaign and administration.

On June 1, the president marked the 100th anniversary of the Tulsa race massacre in which a white mob attacked black residents and destroyed their businesses and homes.

Tags: News, Hunter Biden, Racism, Joe Biden

Original Author: Mica Soellner

Original Location: Hunter Biden used N-word in banter with white lawyer: Report

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