December 26, 2024

‘Hugely symbolic’: Caroline Kennedy in line as next US ambassador

Caroline Kennedy #CarolineKennedy

Caroline Kennedy, the only surviving child of late US President John F Kennedy, is being touted as the next US ambassador to Australia, according to unconfirmed reports.

Joe Hockey, former treasurer and Australian ambassador in Washington, said the possible appointment of Ms Kennedy, 63, who was Barack Obama’s ambassador in Japan, would be “hugely symbolic”.

“It would be a very powerful statement that Joe Biden sees Australia as a key ally in the Indo pacific region,” he said.

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Ms Kennedy would succeed Donald Trump’s ambassador to Australia Arthur Culverhouse, a US attorney, who returned to the US in January after 22 months as ambassador.

“She’s highly regarded, charming, engaging and sharp,” Mr Hockey said.

“It would be symbolic, not only because of her vast personal experience as a successful ambassador to Japan, but also because of her position as a member of the royal family of the democratic party,” he added.

Axios reported the Biden administration was considering the appointment of two Kennedys, Caroline, and the widow of the late Ted Kennedy, Vicki, for a possible posting in Europe.

“With JFK’s daughter and the widow of Sen. Ted Kennedy, Biden would be reaching outside of his pool of core campaign donors. He’d also be putting a spotlight back on America’s most famous political dynasty — and honoring a late friend and mentor,” Axios said.

Caroline, daughter of Jacqueline Kennedy, was five when her father was assassinated in Dallas in November 1963, serving only 20 months as president.

It was the first of a series of tragedies for the famous US family, including the death of Caroline’s brother, John, in a plane crash in 1999.

Ms Kennedy would be the first ambassador in Canberra appointed by a Democrat president since John Berry’s’ appointment in 2013, who succeeded Barack Obama’s first appointment, Californian lawyer Jeffrey Bleich.

Ms Kennedy, who grew up in New York before receiving degrees at Harvard University, came out early as a supporter of Joe Biden in the Democrat primaries last year.

“We need a president who can bring people together, who knows how to get things done at home and abroad, whose word we can count on, and who can nurture the next generation of leaders,” she wrote.

The US government is yet to formally suggest the candidacy to the Australian government, The Australian understands.

Ms Kennedy has three adult children and is married to Edwin Schlossberg.

Washington Correspondent


Adam Creighton is an award-winning journalist with a special interest in tax and financial policy. He was a Journalist in Residence at the University of Chicago’s Booth School of Business in 2019. He’s written … Read more

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