January 27, 2025

How did Beto O’Rourke lose elections to Ted Cruz? Internet says ‘Texas will be blue’ after Cancun trip rumors

Beto #Beto

People took to Twitter to compare the cool and collected attitude of Cruz as Texas suffered and that of O’Rourke who tried his best to help the state deal with the lack of electricity

How did Beto O'Rourke lose elections to Ted Cruz? Internet says 'Texas will be blue' after Cancun trip rumors Beto O’Rourke is helping Texas in its emergency and people are slamming Ted Cruz for being in Cancun (Getty Images)

Texas has been hit with record low temperatures with many of its citizens suffering from lack of electricity due to loss of power supply. On Valentine’s Day, February 14, 2021, President Joe Biden had declared a state-wide emergency. In the midst of the crisis, pictures of Senator Ted Cruz surfaced that suggest he was “fleeing” the state, with some claiming that he was on his way to Cancun.

His actions, while people are said to be without food and water, didn’t sit well with many and so netizens took to Twitter trying to figure out how Cruz even won during the 2018 United States Senate election in Texas. During that time, Cruz ran against an American politician, Robert Francis “Beto” O’Rourke, who many now brought up saying he should have won instead because of his determination to help Texans in their time of need.

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‘He would not have gone to Cancun’ Democratic presidential candidate former U.S. Rep. Beto O’Rourke (Getty Images)

Using pictures of Cruz on a plane, one user wrote, “Wanna bet Beto wouldn’t be flying to Cancun during a national pandemic and a state disaster if was Texas’ Senator?” Another added, “Remember who is working to help you and who could not care less. Cruz on vacay in Cancún, Abbott talking to media blaming everyone else — or Beto, calling ppl, setting up help, trying to save ppl’s lives and sanity.” “Beto O’Rourke would not have gone to Cancun if he was Senator #Texas,” tweeted another user.

O’Rourke himself tweeted what was being done in order to help Texans, writing, “We made over 151,000 calls to senior citizens in Texas tonight. One of our vols talked to a man stranded at home w/out power in Killeen, hadn’t eaten in 2 days, got him a ride to a warming center and a hot meal. Help us reach more people, join us tomorrow.” Many retweeted the politician’s post, thanking him for doing what he can to help as they asked how Cruz even won the election against O’Rourke back in 2018.

Commenting on another O’Rourke tweet that read, “For those who have power or who are outside of Texas – we are calling senior citizens across the state this evening to see how we can connect them with assistance where needed. You can join us here,” one user wrote, “Ted Cruz is in Cancun, while Beto O’ Rourke is in Texas, working to help residents. Seriously, how did Beto lose the election?” Another user added, “And Cruz is in got damn Cancun. ima keep saying this with my chest. BETO SHOULD HAVE WON THAT SENATE ELECTION.”

Many hoped that the next election would see different results – one user wrote, “Beto is home organizing rescue of Texans, while Cruz is off to Cancun to vacation. Texas, you have to do better next election.” Another added, “TX Gov goes on Hannity. Cruz heads to Cancun. Meanwhile, Beto organizes and helps. Gotta think Texas will be blue next election cycle. Gotta hope, at least.” One user even called for Cruz to resign writing, “Ted Cruz won the election and is in Cancun because he genuinely doesn’t care about Texans whereas Beto is actively helping right now…..tell me how he lost? #TedCruzRESIGN”

How did Beto O’Rourke lose elections against Ted Cruz? Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) introduces Department of Homeland Security acting Secretary Chad Wolf during his Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee confirmation hearing on September 23, 2020 in Washington, DC. (Photo by Greg Nash-Pool/Getty Images)

The Senate election in Texas that was held on November 6, 2018 saw Republican US Senator Cruz run for a second term against O’Rourke, the Democratic candidate. The primaries happened on March 6, 2018, seeing both Cruz and O’Rourke winning majorities in their primaries. The race, back then was a close and competitive one, but Republican Cruz beat Democrat O’Rourke by a small margin – 50.9 to 48.3 percent with reports indicating that this was the closest US Senate race in the state since the year 1978. 

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