December 27, 2024

How can I get rid of glandular fever for good?

Glandular #Glandular

Glandular fever starts with a really sore throat, severe fatigue and large swollen glands, but after this initial phase of the illness has passed, it often causes general tiredness which can carry on for several months afterwards.

In some people, fighting the virus which causes the infection seems to drain the body’s immune system, leaving very little in reserve to fight off any new viruses that enter the body. This leaves you vulnerable to colds, sore throats and coughs, which cause more severe, and longer lasting symptoms than usual, which means that no sooner have you got rid of one cold, than a couple of days later you get a sore throat, and so on.

To help your immune system recover, try to eat a sensible diet, with plenty of really fresh vegetables and fruit, which really are the best source of vitamins and minerals. If you can’t manage at least five portions a day, then a balanced multi-vitamin and mineral supplement may help, and some people also advocate Echinacea, though it doesn’t work for everyone.

Try to take a little exercise each day, but avoid getting too overtired. Smoking can damage both your immune system and your throat and lungs, and it really will make a difference to your health, right now, if you can stop. You’ll know your immune system is well on the way to recovery when your white blood count, and in particular, the lymphocyte count is back to normal – ask your doctor the results of your latest blood test.

In the meantime, to avoid catching any more bugs, try to avoid crowded places, such as buses, trains, or the supermarket on a Friday night. But a walk out in the fresh air won’t do you any harm.

Constantly feeling below par can make anyone feel a bit depressed, but this, in turn, can make you feel even more tired, and it’s easy to get into a downwards spiral of low mood making your general health even worse. This is where anti-depressants can help, and I really would encourage you to give them a try.

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