March 27, 2025

Happy New Month Luckiest Days in August for Zodiac Signs Wedding and Other Activities

Happy New Month #HappyNewMonth

Check out the timeline below to know what days are most suitable for your schedule in August 2021.

August 8, Luckiest Day in August

According to Well and Good, August 8 is the luckiest day of the month.

“A double eight, as in 88, is said to bring double joy,” says astrologer Amy Zerner, co-author of Astrology for Wellness, who notes that that eight is an especially lucky number in Chinese culture. “The number eight is reflective of power, abundance, and success. Because its shape forms the sign for infinity, it also has esoteric significance.”

Photo: Well and Good

Another reason the number eight is considered to be so lucky is because of its perfectly symmetrical shape—you can cut it in half in any direction, and the halves will mirror one another. “Perfect symmetry lends itself to perfect balance,” Zerner says.

“This is one of the most looked-forward-to of times and is of special interest to all those seeking love.” —Kyle Thomas, astrologer.

So what does this mean (aside from a universe-sanctioned reason to test your odds in the lottery)? “Today’s number vibration, 8-8, provides a message of renewal and asks you to make a bold move forward in your life path,” says Zerner. “If you maintain the proper attitude at this time, there is potential for great success in all that you do. You are being nudged toward your destiny, but it is up to you to make it come true.”

Beyond luck being in your favor, other great things may happen today, courtesy of the stars aligning. “We have some absolutely magnificent rays sparkling in the sky this month, so you must absolutely plan for them,” says astrologer Kyle Thomas.

“On the 7th, the Sun, ruling our energy and focus, dances with Jupiter, planet of miracles and luck. This is one of the best times of the year, and it will also spill on over into the 8th. You should be feeling on top of the world and enjoy warm and friendly relationships with everyone. You should use your high spirits, enthusiasm, and self-confidence to make the most of the good fortune associated with these days.”

Photo: KnowInsider

From a planetary perspective, Thomas says August 8 is such a magnificent, lucky day because it’s when Venus (the planet of love and beauty) kisses Jupiter (the planet of miracles). “This is one of the most looked-forward to of times and is of special interest to all those seeking love,” says Thomas. “It makes you seem more attractive but also allows you to relax and express the more affectionate and welcoming side of your personality.”

So, as noted, this is a great time to get out there and date, but it also presents an opportunity to mend trying relationships or to socialize in general. And for what it’s worth, luck in love can be matched with “fortune elsewhere in your life.

Photo: Dreams TimeLuckiest days in August by Activities



August 1, 2021

cut hair to discourage growth, harvest belowground crops, color hair,

August 5, 2021

plant belowground crops, graft or pollinate, bake,

August 6, 2021

quit smoking, begin diet to lose weight, plant belowground crops, graft or pollinate, wean animals or children, bake,

August 7, 2021

end projects, prune to discourage growth, dry fruit, vegetables, or meat,

August 9, 2021

have dental care, start projects, harvest aboveground crops, pick fruit,

August 10, 2021

have dental care, harvest aboveground crops, pick fruit,

August 11, 2021

begin diet to gain weight, have dental care, harvest aboveground crops, pick fruit,

August 12, 2021

cut hair to encourage growth, get married,

August 13, 2021

cut hair to encourage growth, get married,

August 14, 2021

plant aboveground crops, breed animals, slaughter livestock, brew beer or cider,

August 15, 2021

begin diet to gain weight, plant aboveground crops, breed animals, slaughter livestock, brew beer or cider,

August 16, 2021

go camping, prune to encourage growth, straighten hair,

August 17, 2021

go camping, prune to encourage growth, straighten hair,

August 18, 2021

begin logging, set posts or pour concrete,

August 19, 2021

begin logging, set posts or pour concrete,

August 20, 2021

castrate animals,

August 21, 2021

castrate animals,

August 22, 2021

make jams or jellies,

August 23, 2021

plant belowground crops, make sauerkraut, make jams or jellies, can or pickle vegetables and fruit,

August 24, 2021

quit smoking, begin diet to lose weight, plant belowground crops, make sauerkraut, wean animals or children, make jams or jellies, can or pickle vegetables and fruit,

August 25, 2021

destroy pests and weeds, prune to discourage growth, cut hay, dry fruit, vegetables, or meat,

August 26, 2021

destroy pests and weeds, prune to discourage growth, cut hay, dry fruit, vegetables, or meat,

August 27, 2021

cut hair to discourage growth, harvest belowground crops, color hair,

August 28, 2021

quit smoking, begin diet to lose weight, cut hair to discourage growth, harvest belowground crops, wean animals or children, color hair,

Wedding Dates in August 2021

10 percent of all weddings happen in August – it’s a popular time of year for those who love a sunny summer day. Friday the 13th falls in August 2021, so avoid this weekend if you are superstitious. Conversely, according to Jewish traditions, the number 13 symbolizes the bonding of many into one, making it the perfect day for a bride and groom to celebrate their love.

Photo: Brides

The luckiest day of the year for Chinese culture is Sunday, August 8. A double eight in your wedding date doubles the joy. The number is is reflective of power, abundance, and success.

Many also say the shape is reminiscent of an infinity symbol making it the perfect symbol for a long-lasting marriage. An eight is a perfectly symmetrical shape—you could cut it in half in any direction and the halves will always mirror one another. 8/8/21 is one of the prettiest wedding dates as you have double the luck (8 and 8) while two become one (21).

Expect 13 to 14 hours of daylight on a typical day in August 2021. Sunset is usually between 7.45pm and 8.15pm. In you plan to sit outside around a firepit with your wedding guests then you should know that Thursday, August 10 2021 is National S’mores Day. Official Bow Tie day is on Saturday, August 28 making it perfect if your groom and his friends are dressing up with a traditional dinner jacket and accessories.

Sunday, August 1 is Friendship Day which bodes well for starting your new life with your best friend! Established back in 1835 by US Congress this is the original Hallmark Holiday as it was founded by Joyce Hall of Hallmark fame. Extremely popular across much South Asia, now is a wonderful time to add International Friendship Day to your lexicon and celebrate with all your friends.

Luckiest Dates: Saturday, August 7; Sunday, August 8 (double lucky = 8/8/21); Wednesday, August 11

Full Moon: Sunday, August 22

Unlucky day in August for Wedding

  • Friday, August 13, 2021 (8-13-21) – Friday the 13th
  • Other unlucky days of 2021 for wedding

  • Tuesday, March 15, 2022 (3-15-22) – The Ides of March
  • Friday, May 13, 2022 (5-13-22) – Friday the 13th
  • Date


    Zodiac Sign


    02 August



    22:43 – 23:45

    03 August



    13:00 – 24:05 27:41 – 29:44

    07 August



    05:44 – 28:25

    08 August


    Leo- Virgo

    09:32 – 28:11

    12 August



    15:25 – 29:49

    13 August


    Virgo- Libra

    05:49 – 07:59 07:59 – 29:50

    14 August



    05:50 – 06:56 06:56 – 23:20

    19 August


    Sagittarius- Capricorn

    22:42 – 29:53

    20 August



    05:53 – 21:24

    22 August


    Capricorn- Aquarius

    06:13 – 10:33 12:57 – 19:39

    24 August



    19:47 – 28:07

    25 August



    16:19 – 20:48

    30 August



    06:39 – 29:59

    31 August



    05:59 – 08:48 10:00 – 29:59

    ” “

    Jasmine Le

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