October 6, 2024

Hallmark Is Taking A Stand Against Sen. Josh Hawley For His Role In Helping To Incite The Failed MAGA Coup

Hallmark #Hallmark

Kansas City-based Hallmark Cards is not messing around, people. They’ve had enough of Missouri-based Senator Josh Hawley, who’s already been taken to the woodshed by local newspaper and dropped by his book publisher for his role in helping to incite the failed MAGA uprising by digging in his heels over certifying the Electoral College vote. Hallmark is now formally distancing itself from not only Hawley but another area Republican senator, Roger Marshall (of Kansas), who also voted against certifying Joe Biden’s (legitimate) presidential election win.

Of course, Hawley, Ted Cruz, and several other GOP senators (along with President Trump) all played a role in stirring up the chaos that led to the MAGA insurrection on the U.S. Capitol. It was an event that left six people (including two U.S. Capitol cops) dead, and Hallmark is standing firm in their position. The company is doing so in a way that it might hurt the most: by asking Hawley and Marshall to return political donations (funded by Hallmark employees) to their campaigns. For the most recent election cycle, this translated into $7,000 being handed to Hawley and $5,000 to Marshall. From Hallmark spokesperson JioJio Shen, via the Kansas City Star:

“Hallmark believes the peaceful transition of power is part of the bedrock of our democratic system, and we abhor violence of any kind. The recent actions of Senators Josh Hawley and Roger Marshall do not reflect our company’s values. As a result, HALLPAC requested Sens. Hawley and Marshall to return all HALLPAC campaign contributions.”

Man, Arnold Schwartzenegger broke out his Conan sword over the weekend over the MAGA shenanigans, and now this. No tiny violins have been heard thus far, but Jennifer Rubin of the Washington Post suggested “a condolence card for his career.”

(Via Kansas City Star)

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