September 23, 2024

Greg Landsman: Thank you, Cincinnati. Here’s what’s next

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My last meeting at City Hall as a member of Cincinnati City Council was last month, and it’s a bittersweet moment when I’m both thinking back and looking ahead.

The opportunity to serve each and every Cincinnatian these past five years has been the honor of a lifetime. Cincinnati is my home, and the people who live and work here are my family.

Cincinnati is one of the best run cities in America, and that’s largely the result of our professional staff − from frontline workers like our first responders, sanitation workers, nurses, pool lifeguards, and park employees, all the way to the city manager.

To all those who help run our city, protect it, keep it clean, and keep it healthy, I want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart. You are excellent at what you do, and I have loved serving alongside you.

Together, we accomplished a lot:

  • Refocused our spending on core services, from public safety to sanitation.

  • Reestablished the highly successful Safe and Clean Fund, bringing the police and community together to reduce crime and blight.

  • Passed comprehensive eviction prevention reforms, keeping thousands of children and families in their homes.

  • Secured historic investments in youth jobs and new career pathways for our young people.

  • Set up the first-ever Office of Ethics and Good Government, and helped transform the culture at City Hall.

  • And now, I get to continue to serve you as your next member of Congress. Over the next two years and beyond, this is what you can expect from me:

  • No corporate PACs. I will not take corporate PAC money. I work for you, and will always vote accordingly.

  • Bipartisan. I will work with a group of Democrats and Republicans to get things done for you.

  • Here, with you. I’ll be here, working with and alongside you. I’ll go to Washington, D.C., to vote, but then back home to be with you.

  • Reliable federal partner. Whether it’s an issue you’re having with Social Security, VA benefits, a small business loan, or a community project, we will be a reliable federal partner every step of the way.

  • Story continues

    As for legislative commitments, I will sign onto or introduce legislation focused on lowering costs for families and seniors, including bills that expand the Earned Income Tax Credit, renew the Child Tax Credit, and apply the cap on monthly insulin costs to children. I will also be focused on enhancing investment in public safety by increasing and securing grants for communities to hire and train police officers and firefighters.

    Here at home, we will be joining efforts focused on getting the Brent Spence Bridge done, broadening access to quality, affordable housing, tackling the scourge of gun violence.

    During the next few months, and throughout our time in Congress, will be hosting town halls and community coffees and meetings with community leaders, elected officials, and residents throughout the district. We want to begin building a commonsense, inclusive, and forward-looking agenda, together.

    When I take the oath on the floor of the United States House of Representatives, I will do so knowing that you have placed your trust in me to serve you, your family, and our community. It’s a humbling experience, and a responsibility I take incredibly seriously. There’s a lot of work ahead of us − but it’s work I’m ready and excited to take on.

    Together, we will do much more for the region we all love.

    U.S. Rep. Greg Landsman, a Democrat, is congressman-elect of Ohio’s 1st Congressional House District and a former Cincinnati councilman.

    Greg Landsman

    This article originally appeared on Cincinnati Enquirer: Greg Landsman: Thank you, Cincinnati. Here’s what’s next

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