September 22, 2024

Gov. Mike DeWine implores Ohioans to take “immediate action” to slow coronavirus, though gives no mandates

Ohioans #Ohioans

COLUMBUS, Ohio — Gov. Mike DeWine — addressing the public Wednesday evening for the first time since the daily record for new coronavirus cases was shattered last week — urged Ohioans to take precautions to slow spread of COVID-19.

But the governor offered no actions of his own during the half-hour live address, saying it was a “discussion for another time” as he warned the state could become the next coronavirus epicenter. Instead, the governor offered pleas and suggestions for the public to prevent a more catastrophic outcome if coronavirus continues spreading around the state unabated.

“As your governor, I will take whatever action is necessary to protect the people of this state,” said DeWine, a Republican. “But, what your local health department, or the Ohio Department of Health, or I order is not nearly as important as what we all do in these crucial days ahead.”

DeWine’s address came as the Ohio Department of Health on Friday announced 1,525 new coronavirus cases, a new state record. DeWine has yet to talk to the press about the record, aside from a prepared statement on Friday.

The state has been surging well over 1,000 new cases a day for the past several weeks. Just a month ago, Ohio had just 428 new cases.

“Ohio is sliding down a very dangerous path, with our once flattened-curve starting to sharpen and spike,” he said. “This worrisome, disturbing reversal of our progress is a jarring reminder of just how quickly our fate can change.”

He warned that the state is approaching the coronavirus crisis seen in Florida, Texas, Arizona, California. But he said it can be reversed.

And he addressed critics who deny a surge in coronavirus cases in the state, saying there are only cases because there is more testing.

“Yes — we are testing more,” he said. “In fact, our testing has gone up by 87%. But, our number of positive cases has skyrocketed by almost 200%.”

DeWine urged people to wear masks in public, saying skeptics were denying the scientific evidence that shows facial coverings slow transmission of the disease.

“Some may still question the wisdom of wearing masks, but as we used to say when I was a prosecutor, ‘The jury is back. The verdict is in,‘” he said. “There is a broad consensus today in the medical, health, and business communities that masks are critical.”

He quoted Dr. Robert Redfield, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, who said if everyone wore a face covering “now for the next four weeks, six weeks, we could drive this epidemic to the ground.” DeWine also cited the Goldman Sachs research that face masks are an alternative to lockdowns. Consistent mask-wearing would slow down the virus’ spread, and prevent an economic shutdown that would subtract 5% of the U.S. gross domestic product.

Although people have coronavirus fatigue, the curve that Ohioans had flattened is no longer flat, he said, noting that the Cincinnati and Dayton regions are seeing more coronavirus patients in hospital that at any previous time, with the Cleveland region rapidly approaching that point.

“Let’s be honest, some of us have started to let our guard down,” he said. “I know I sometimes have. We’re tired. We want to go back to the way things were.”

How effective DeWine’s message will be is unclear. A faction of lawmakers from within his own Republican Party have routinely challenged the governor’s pleas for facial coverings, attempting to equate their use as a violation of civil liberty instead of a precautionary measure.

Meanwhile, detractors of DeWine’s more hands-off approach since the state began reopening in May have increasingly called for him to implement a statewide mask mandate, as more than 20 states around the country have imposed amid a surge in cases.

The Ohio Democratic Party immediately reacted with disappointment after the speech concluded.

“As someone who publicly praised the governor in the early months of this crisis, I could not be more disappointed in his speech today,” said party Chairman David Pepper. “As cases and deaths rise, he announced nothing that will change that direction.”

More coverage:

Gov. Mike DeWine to address Ohioans on the coronavirus surge: Watch live

Ohio coronavirus cases up 1,316 — approaching 70,000: Wednesday update

New Ohio House bill would make Feb. 26 Dr. Amy Acton Day

Ohio breaks record with 1,525 new coronavirus cases: Friday update


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