March 23, 2025

Gotham Knights’ 13-Minute Gameplay Trailer Showcases Nightwing, Red Hood

Gotham Knights #GothamKnights

Gotham Knights, Warner Bros. Games’ successor to the Batman Arkham universe, was first revealed at DC Fandome all the way back in 2020. It’s been slim pickings since then in terms of new footage but, today, Warner Bros. revealed 13 minutes of brand new in-game footage that reveals much about how the game will play on a minute-to-minute basis.

Starring supporting characters of the Bat-Family like Nightwing, Batgirl, Robin, and Red Hood, Gotham Knights is being developed by WB Games Montréal, the team that delivered the extremely well-made Batman Arkham Origins. Set for release on October 25, Gotham Knights looks set to be an experience that combines the combat and open world gameplay of the Batman Arkham series with the light-RPG and co-operative elements seen in recent games like Destiny and Marvel’s Avengers.

If you’ve played any of the above games you’ll know what to expect. The polished hand-to-hand combat pioneered by Batman Arkham Asylum is present, but each of the four main characters will play differently. We only get to see Nightwing and Red Hood in action during this 13 minute gameplay trailer. Nightwing is a more acrobatic fighter, whereas Red Hood is more slow paced, brutal and precise. 

Even at this early stage the game is looking polished, if a little formulaic. Many of the gameplay elements featured in this will be familiar to anyone who’s played any big budget game over the past five or so years. Not necessarily a bad thing. Many big budget games based on comic book licenses have gone down a similar path. Given the legacy of the Batman Arkham series, you can expect big things from this game.

Gotham Knights releases on October 25 for PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X.

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