September 20, 2024

Geraldo Rivera: Trump ‘does rule the GOP’

Rivera #Rivera

Fox News pundit Geraldo Rivera pushed back on the suggestion that Republican voters are “stupid” for believing former President Trump did not lose the 2020 election, an assertion made by Democratic strategist James Carville earlier this week.

“James Carville is wrong. Trump does rule the GOP. Many, if not most Republicans believe Trump was robbed in 2020. That doesn’t make them ignorant or racist. It makes them disappointing,” Rivera wrote in a tweet on Friday.

Rivera’s comments appear to be in reference to remarks made by Carville during a recent interview with The Hill, during which Carville said the “problem” with the Republican Party currently is “they got really stupid people that vote in their primaries. And … really stupid people demand to have really stupid leaders. That’s where the Republican Party is now.”

GOP voters who believe Trump’s false claims about an unfair election in 2020, are “drunk on Trump Kool-Aid,” Rivera responded, “and either don’t believe he lost, or worse, don’t care.”

Since he left office, Trump has spent his time as a political kingmaker of sorts, endorsing a number of Republican primary candidates who have backed his misleading claims about voter fraud and pledged loyalty to him.

Earlier this week, Rep. Liz Cheney (Wyo.) lost her GOP primary to a Trump-backed challenger and other Trump-endorsed candidates in states like Arizona and Pennsylvania have won their GOP primaries.

Rivera is a frequent Trump critic, saying a month after the 2020 election that Trump was no longer “speaking to me” after he declared on Fox’s airwaves that the election had been decided.

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