Gathering of SCOTUS protesters outside Mar-a-Lago low in numbers, high in emotion

The story behind the small but passionate group of protestors that gathered Saturday outside Mar-a-Lago in West Palm Beach is almost as impressive as their energy.
Their signs and chants protesting Friday’s U.S. Supreme Court ruling that overturned Roe v. Wade, the landmark case that made abortion legal in the United States, weren’t ignored by passersby. Many blew their horns and waved in approval.
At its height, the crew might have only numbered about 20, and that includes the dominatrix who donated her day’s earnings to Planned Parenthood. But those who participated showed passion, and they had that passion returned.
“People are very fired up,” said Stephanie Ueng, the group’s organizer. “People have been honking and showing their support.”
“We’ve only had a few boos from people who are like, ‘Donald Trump, 2024!’”
Ueng, a San Francisco resident, was in South Florida for a bachelorette party Friday, when she decided to take action.
The 35-year-old mother of two children went online and organized a protest rally at Mar-a-Lago, where ex-President Donald Trump resides. Ueng holds Trump responsible for Friday’s decision because he appointed three of the conservative judges who were key to Friday’s opinion.
“I thought, ‘If I’m here, I might as well go to his house,’” she reasoned.
Ueng put the word out online at 5 p.m. Friday, a time when many in the area and nation had already hit the streets to protest the Supreme Court decision. She said she had 40 people registered as of Saturday morning.
As the group held signs and chanted slogans such as, “2-4-6-8, We won’t be forced to procreate!” and “Who decides? We decide!” they slowly grew in numbers as a few others arrived.
Gigi Mansfield, a Delray Beach resident and dominatrix, said she wanted her message to be heard by legislators. She said she had an emotional reaction to the Supreme Court decision.
“I was incredibly hurt and I had a deep feeling of terror,” she said.
Mansfield said she feels women’s rights are at risk nowadays as well as the rights of trans people.
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“As soon as I heard yesterday [about the Supreme Court decision], I knew I needed to do something,” she said.
So, along with pledging her day’s earnings to Planned Parenthood, she decided to protest. The total, as of noon, was $200.
There was a similar call to action from Patrick McCann, a 70-year-old Lake Worth resident.
“I have been involved with the struggle for abortion rights for the last 60 years,” he said.
McCann said he went to Washington, D.C., for the “March For Our Lives” rally after the Marjory Stoneman Douglas shooting in 2018. He said he was tipped off to Saturday’s rally by an email from the League of Women Voters.
Ueng’s passion made the day possible.
“I was very incensed by the decision,” she said, “and by thinking my daughter is going to grow up with less rights than me.”