Friday Morning Footy: Ancelotti Re-Signs With Real Madrid, Cantwell Talks Old Firm Derby (12/29)
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Friday Morning Footy: Ancelotti Re-Signs With Real Madrid, Cantwell Talks Old Firm Derby (12/29) –
site: media | arena: soccer | pageType: multimedia | section: | slug: friday-morning-footy-ancelotti-re-signs-with-real-madrid-cantwell-talks-old-firm-derby-1229 | sport: soccer | route: video_single | 6-keys: media/spln/soccer/reg/free/video
Aly Trost-Martin is joined by Christine Cupo, Michael Lahoud, Alexis Guerreros and Freddy Lomelí to discuss the latest soccer stories, match ups, and breaking news!
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