September 20, 2024

French Philosopher Michel Foucault Alledgedly Had Sex With Kids in Tunisia

Michel #Michel

Who is the French Philosopher Michel Foucault? Why was he accused of having paedophilia relations with underage children back when he was living in Tunisia?

French Philosopher Foucault, who was born on October 15, 1926 in Poitiers, was accused of being a paedophile rapist who had sex with children while living in Tunisia in the late 1960s by the French-American academic Guy Sorman, according to The Sunday Times.

According to sources, Guy Sorman revealed in an interview that he knew about Foucault’s sex with kids after a visit to the late philosopher in Tunisia in 1969.

“They were eight, nine, ten year olds. He was throwing money at them and would say ‘let’s meet at 10pm at the usual place.’ He would make love there on the gravestones with young boys. The question of consent wasn’t even raised,” Sorman  added.

However, the sad part is that the French Philosopher was easily getting away with his Pedophilian acts due to the racial element of his affairs.

In addition he added that now he “regrets” not reporting this “extremely morally ugly” behaviour to the police back then.

Paul-Michel Foucault was not only a Philosopher but also a historian of ideas, writer, political activist, and literary critic. He wrote so many theories about power and knowledge relationships, and how they are used as a form of social control through societal institutions.

His fans were really upset and sad after hearing the news about his whims; as some denied these allegations, claiming they can’t be true if you have read his books.

Philosopher Michel Foucault, who passed away in June 1984, wrote so many books during his lifetime including ‘The History of Madness’ which was his first major book, ‘The Birth of the Clinic’ and ‘The Order of Things’.

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