January 26, 2025

Franklin no longer forecast to be a Category 4 hurricane. It weakened to a Category 3 hurricane on Tuesday

Category 4 #Category4

Article first published: Tuesday, Aug. 29, 2023, 5 a.m. ET

Article last updated: Tuesday, Aug. 29, 2023, 11 p.m. ET

According to the National Hurricane Center’s 11 pm Tuesday advisory, Franklin has lost momentum and has regressed from a Category 4 hurricane to a Category 3 hurricane, with winds of 115 miles per hour.

Category 3 Hurricane Franklin is 245 miles west of Bermuda, with maximum sustained wind of 115 mph. It’s moving 12 mph to the northeast.

“On Thursday, Franklin is expected to turn to the east-northeast and continue to increase in forward speed.” according to meteorologists. “On the forecast track, the center of Franklin is expected to pass to the northwest of Bermuda on Wednesday.” They also said “Steady weakening is forecast during the next several days.”


Yesterday, Franklin reached new heights of intensity and was upgraded from a Category 3 hurricane into a Category 4 hurricane, with winds blowing at 115 miles per hour.

Forecasters issued a tropical storm watch for Bermuda.


A Tropical Storm Warning is in effect for:

– Bermuda

A Tropical Storm Warning means that tropical storm conditions are expected somewhere within the warning area, in this case within 12 hours.


SURF: Life-threatening surf and rip currents generated by Franklin are already affecting Bermuda and the east coast of the United States. These conditions are expected to continue during the next several days.

WIND: Tropical storm conditions are expected to reach Bermuda by Wednesday morning, making outside preparations difficult or dangerous.

Source: National Hurricane Center

This article was generated by the Sun Herald Bot, artificial intelligence software that analyzes information from the National Hurricane Center and applies it to templates created by journalists in the newsroom. We are experimenting with this and other new ways of providing more useful content to our readers and subscribers. You can report errors or bugs to mcclatchybot@mcclatchy.com. Full hurricane coverage at sunherald.com/news/weather-news/

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